Unexpected First Date | A Shawn Mendes Oneshot

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Summary: When your date doesn't go as planned, Shawn steps in to make a night worth remembering.

A/N: It's a general AU

Word Count: 3,500

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You look at your phone and then up to the window beside your booth. There aren't very many people outside the diner and you're sure you'll recognize the guy you're meant to be meeting as soon as you see him. It's been ten minutes since he said he would be there. You sigh and open instagram and start flipping through photos.

Worry sets in but you try to chase it out with colorful photos of food and baby animals on your phone. What if he didn't show up? What if he stood you up? Surely he wouldn't do that, he liked you. Yes. He liked you. He was just late was all. You shake your head and push the negative thoughts out.

But this was the right diner right? You look over at the front counter where there are stools set all along the front facing the kitchens. There is a big neon lit up sign that read Paxton Street Diner. It was the right place. There wasn't another diner along Paxton St. and there sure as hell wasn't another one called the Paxton Street Diner. You look at your phone once more, twenty minutes late now.

Looking up, you decide to glance around to see if maybe you just missed him. Maybe he came in and sat down and didn't see you. Unfortunately that's not the case. Other than yourself there were only two other groups of people in the restaurant. There is an old couple on the far side by the restrooms and a group of about five guys at a middle table a couple booth lengths away from you. They look like a rough bunch and your eyes meet with one of them and he smiles, knowing you were looking at him. He's damn cute too for looking a bit like a punk. He was big, spread out all over the small diner chair, long legs crossed at the ankles and sticking out under the side of the table. He has wavy -ish curly brown hair and a jawline that could cut glass. There's a lollipop stick that is sticking out of his mouth and he's just smiling around it at you.

It takes you a second but you finally look away, a blush rising on your cheeks. How awkward could you be? You turn your attention back to the window and you watch as a couple people with dogs pass by on a walk. The waitress comes out from around the counter and fills up your glass of ice water for the second time now.

"Are you sure you don't wanna order yet sweetie?" she asks. You glance up and see her name is Marla. "Surely a little snack while you wait for your friend isn't gonna hurt."

"No, no thanks," you smile sweetly and pull your water glass close. "He will be here soon."

Marla gives you a gentle smile and says, "If you need anything just wave okay?" You nod and she goes off to tend to the other two tables for a bit.

Your date was hour late now. He wasn't coming. It sort of hits you all at once and you feel your stomach tighten, your heart clench and you rest your head in your hands. Setting your phone down you close your eyes and fight back tears. There's footsteps beside your booth, the group of guys shuffling out the doors a few feet behind you.

Suddenly you hear someone sit down opposite you and all at once your heart skips and beat and you open your eyes, looking up to expect to see your date. It's not your date though. It's the cute guy you made eye contact with awkwardly earlier. "You're not my date?" you ask, honestly second guessing yourself for a moment.

"I am now," he says with a grin, sucker stick passing between his lips as he waves Marla over. She comes over with a couple of menus and places them with a big smile. "Give us a sec Marla?" he asks and she nods, turning away to go back to cleaning up behind the counter.

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