18 - We'll Meet Again

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'Brother?' Joseph's voice hung in his throat. He was shocked at the sight of his younger sibling walking towards him alive and well. I thought that he would loosen his grip on me but he didn't, firmly holding the crook of his elbow against my neck. His other hand remained planted on the handle of the knife that was still sitting in my side. John stopped a few yards away, the red sight line of his sniper still shining on my chest. 'God has brought me a miracle.' Warm tears leaked into my hair. Joseph was in disbelief. 'And now my brother will do unto the Lamb what they have done to us!' Clutching me in front of him, I could feel Joseph's thundering heart beat against my spine. Locking my eyes with John's I pleaded for my life through my agonised expression. His face faltered and the Father immediately noticed.

'What's this?' He questioned. 'You care for the sinner?'

'No.' John choked through the word, still directing the barrel of the gun at me. Joseph's eyes narrowed and he began to slowly stick the knife deeper into my side. He wiggled it around, the blade grazing my insides and I let out a blood-curdling howl. 'Stop it!' John yelled in a mixture of anger and desperation. Surprisingly, Joseph did as he said and whipped the metal out of me. Gasping in pain, my knees buckled and I collapsed to the ground. Blood gushed from the wound and began to soak through my shirt.

'So the devil has tempted the baptist into defying the Father.' Tutting, Joseph stared his younger sibling down. 'I was told by the Lord that I would be betrayed but never did I think it would be by my own Herald, my own flesh and blood.' Moving over to John, Joseph sadly cupped his little brother's bearded chin. 'Do not follow the path of the sinner John, it is not your journey to take.' Shrugging his brother off of him, John put more space between them and moved the gun sightline to shroud the crown tattoo spread across Joseph's chest.

'Let me take her and leave.' John instructed, edging his way closer to me but never removing his eyes from the yellow glasses that sat on his older brother's nose. Despite the excruciating pain spreading across my waist, my vision managed to stay focussed on John's expression. He looked scared and panicked.

'John, you have been deceived, lead astray by the devil. Do not believe all she has told you. I am the Father, I am the Prophet. The Lord welcomes you home-'

'I love her!' John frantically yelled out and the compound grew very quiet. 'I love her.' He stated again, a little calmer this time. Joseph's face twisted with rage.

'Love? Love?! You don't know the meaning of love!' He spat as John reached me. Standing protectively in front of me, he continued to hold the gun up at his sibling. Calming, Joseph tried to change John's mind again.

'The devil has defiled you brother. You have sinned by lying with the sinner. But it is not too late, forgive and you shall be forgiven.' Arms outstretched, Joseph looked at him expectantly.

'Are you fucking kidding me Rook?! After everything he did to us?! To me?!' Joey yelled in rage from behind me. Clutching at my side I groaned loudly, unable to defend my actions. John continued to shield me from Joseph. His trench coat billowed as the wind picked up.

'If I come back to you Father, will you forgive the sinner's friends and let them go?'

'Forgive and you shall be forgiven.' Joseph stated again, arms still reaching towards John. Nodding, John lowered the gun and accepted his brother's offer. 'Thank you brother, they will go in peace.' In a flash, Joseph disarmed John and shot all three of my friends in three succinct motions.

'No!' I screamed violently, struggling to my feet and trying to run to them. Immediately I fell, too weak to even hold my body upright.

'You know that's not what I meant!' John screeched angrily at his brother but I was too fixated on getting to my friends. Crawling on my belly, I reached Staci first but found the bullet had already smashed through his skull. 'No, no, no!' Tears smeared my face as I grabbed at the collar of Earl's shirt. There was no response, his eyes glassed over and a bullet wound leaking blood from his temple. My eyes whipped around at the sight of Joey's fingers twinging and I struggled across the gravel on my stomach towards her. Grabbing her hand in my own, she stared up at my distraught face.

Stockholm Syndrome (John Seed x Deputy OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz