11 - The Atonement

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Flying Tulip up to the gigantic YES emblazoned above the valley, I contemplated my next actions. Was doing this just bending to what John expected me to do? Probably. Would it make me feel better? Definitely. Without any further hesitation, I began to wildly shoot at the word.

'Arrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!' I screamed, letting the bullets fly in anger. The white plaster split into millions of pieces as I tore it down with all my might. Eventually all that was left was the metal framework. Dropping my white-knuckled hand hold from the gun controls, I felt my blood surge around my body. At that point my radio chimed in once more.

'Your actions have consequences Deputy. I've gathered all your friends here in Fall's End to atone for your sins. You're welcome to join us. After all, if it weren't for you they wouldn't be in this predicament. This is your last chance to say yes Deputy. Don't be late.' My radio crackled out. Floating in the air, I took a second to compose myself.

'Adelaide come in.' I called over the radio.

'I hear ya sugar!' She replied in her usual bubbly manner.

'Who are you with?' I asked, starting to turn Tulip around.

'Jess, Grace, Sharky and Hurk. We headed back to the Pizza Bar last night. Why sweetie?' A fat lump formed in my throat. Nick was still in Fall's End.

'No reason. I gotta go, things to do.' Before she could answer, I hung my radio up and flew the helicopter at full speed towards the town.


Landing just outside of the Spread Eagle, I hopped out of Tulip and began to run towards the pristine white church. A red carpet was strewn across the road, flowers ornately placed on the fence posts. As I walked up the steps, I took in the dead crows nailed to the white wood. John had gone all out. Opening the door, I was met with the butt of a gun slamming me straight in the forehead. Black out.

As I awoke, a searing pain tore across my chest. Reaching out, I gripped onto John's arm and he faltered.

'Hold still. It's meant to say wrath not rat.' He complained. Exhausted, I let my hand fall to my side as he continued to cut into my skin. My teeth dug into the inside of my lip as I tried to regulate my breathing. The slicing of my skin was excruciating. 'Sin must be exposed so it may be absolved. If we hide our sin, we hide ourselves. You will not hide any longer. Your true self will spill out on this floor for all to see.' As he leant over me, I eyed the key hanging from his neck. It dangled tantalisingly above his exposed chest. He raised the tattoo pen and I let out a hard breath. It felt as though Peaches had sunk her claws into me. 'Ahhhh. Perfect.' John stood up and admired his work. Sitting up, I glanced down at my now defiled skin.


Unable to form any words, I looked back up at him. I didn't know why I was surprised he'd do this. Glaring at me and chuckling, he raised his palms into the air.

'If Mohammed won't come to the mountain, then bring the mountain to Mohammed.' His statement echoed against the church walls and I peered around me. Cultists had me at gunpoint from every angle as well as Mary May, Jerome and Nick. With a snap of his fingers, John took a bible from one his men. 'Let's begin!' I was forced to my feet and marched forward to join my friends at the altar. Knocking a large brown book from Jerome's hands, John handed him The Word of The Father. 'I thought a friendly face might make your atonement easier.' He simpered. Grimacing, I noted that both men had their shirts off. Nick had the word greed sprawled over his skin. I didn't like where this was going. John tried to make Jerome mimic his words but the pastor refused. In response, he received a club around the ear as did Mary May for retaliating.

Stockholm Syndrome (John Seed x Deputy OC)Where stories live. Discover now