13 - Supply Raid

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Jolting out of my sleep, I raised a hand and rubbed my eyes. The fire that had been radiating before my feet only a few hours ago had died out. A small pile of ash was all that remained. Looking to my side, John's head was resting peacefully on my shoulder. My face softened as I watched his chest rise and fall heavily. It was hard to believe how volatile he could be when he looked so vulnerable. Ever so gently I took his head in my hands and raised it, carefully lying him on the floor as I got up. The longer he slept, the sooner he'd get better. Trudging out into the early morning daylight I stepped over Cheeseburger's hulking frame that lay curled up on the grass. Whilst resting would do the baptist a world of good, he needed medical treatment. My first port of call was to try and find a Resistance shop so I could stock up. Considering my location, the nearest outpost would be the US Auto centre. Stretching my body upward and flexing my fingers, I began the journey on foot.

'Deputy! What a surprise!' The clerk behind the desk beamed at me as I approached. 'What do we owe the pleasure?' He asked.

'Just stocking up.' I replied. 'I'm gonna need some health kits, water, a backpack, the usual guns and a re-stock on my arrows.' Quickly getting to work, the gentlemen stocked me up with all I'd asked for.

'Anything else?' He beamed.

'This is a weird one but you got any blankets and pillows lying around spare?' Trying not to act suspiciously, I smiled at him.

'Huh. I mean I can check around but I don't think we do. Why do you need them?' He cocked his head, cap slipping a little from his hair.

'Just something I'm trying to test out. Don't worry, I'll figure something out.' I hastily grabbed my things, shoved them into the backpack, paid him for the goods and walked away. Swinging the heavy load over my shoulders I racked my brain for where I could find blankets and pillows. Walking out onto the road, I found my feet taking me to one of the only places I knew would offer me the things I needed for free.

'Welcome to the Hope County Clinic m'am! Are you booked in with us today?' A tired looking woman behind the reception desk gave me her biggest smile.

'No, no I just... it sounds so silly but I need some new bed sheets and pillows. Some cultists broke into my house and tore the whole place apart. I know my son would sleep so much better if he could snuggle back down comfy again. I wasn't sure where to go and found myself coming here!' My acting skills weren't the best but the woman seemed too exhausted to even clock how fake I was being.

'Of course. Take a seat and I'll go fetch some from the back.' She got up and walked through a door, vanishing. Walking around the reception area, I peered at the paintings on the wall.

'Deputy? Is that you?' Jumping out of my skin, I spun around and saw Kim Rye in a wheelchair.

'Oh! Hi Kim!' Shit, shit, shit! This was bad. Really bad.

'What are you doing here?' Her eyes fell to my chest before I could even answer. 'He got you too huh? Thank God that fucker is dead. Nick was worried he'd really got his claws into you when you went missing.'

'Ah yeah. How are you feeling?' Dodge the question Harlow.

'A little better, there's been some problems with my placenta but the doctor thinks I'll be able to go home soon.' As if on queue, the woman returned from the back with folded blankets and pillows in her hands. She handed them to me and smiled.

'I hope your son will be able to sleep better now.' She grinned. Kim narrowed her eyes at me and my jaw tightened. I shook my head subtly at her.

'Yes, he'll be much happier. Thank you so much.' I replied, turning to leave hurriedly. The woman moved into the next room to check on a patient and Kim wheeled over grabbing my sleeve.

Stockholm Syndrome (John Seed x Deputy OC)Where stories live. Discover now