5 - The Power of Yes

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I wasn't aware of how long it had been since our trip to the pond. My clothes stank still but at least my skin was clean. Hunger was really starting to grate on me though. My cargo pants had become a little ill-fitting and when I lay down my hips protruded from my skin like mountain peaks. What was even more frustrating was that I regularly saw other prisoners being fed through the bars of their cells.

Stomach groaning, a cultist came to my door and unlocked it. 'You've been summoned.' She stomped into the room and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. Her nails pinched at my skin as she dragged me to what I could only assume was John's personal room. She knocked on a large metal door and waited, ensuring to dig her fingers into my skin a little harder.

'Come in.' John's voice called from inside. Opening the door with one hand, the cultist woman threw me in with the other. I clattered down onto my knees in front of a table that was littered with maps and plans. The door slammed with a metallic reverb behind me. I was about to get up when I noticed John's hand slide into my eye-line. Begrudgingly, I slipped my hand into his and struggled up to my feet. He looked me up and down, clocking that my trousers were now resting at my hips instead of my waist. 'They're meant to be feeding you.' He grunted.

'Well they aren't.' I snorted, crossing my arms over my chest defensively. John sighed, turning around to stare at the map on the table.

'I'll ensure they're punished properly.' He contemplated, running the tip of his finger across one of the roads drawn on the map.

'Did you bring me here for a reason?' I huffed to which he waved his hand absentmindedly, still staring down. 'Great.' Standing still for a while, I soon found myself wandering around the room. A closet full of clothes adorned one wall and a smashed framed certificate hung awkwardly from the plaster. I squinted, quickly recognising it as a bar exam certification. 'Hmph. Makes sense you're a lawyer.' I commented but he didn't respond. Continuing to walk around the room, my feet stopped at an image of a burly gentleman. The photograph had been defiled somewhat with what looked like dart holes in it. 'Who is this? He doesn't look very friendly.' A cold harsh look emanated from the man's eyes, an expression I was all to familiar with seeing on John's face.

'It's my adoptive father.' I jumped a little, unaware that he'd come to stand behind me. 'Tobias Duncan, a real son of a bitch.' Sensing tension forming, I decided to move away from the subject and stepped over to the table with the maps on. Holland valley was sprawled across the paper, each landmark perfectly drawn from above. Admiring the craftsmanship, I was again startled when John's hands appeared either side of mine. He leant over me from behind, following my eyes observing the drawings. 'I have to say Deputy,' His tone was husky and caused something to stir within me. 'You're not what I expected.' Turning around, I sat on the edge of the table and met his gaze. Nobody could deny that John Seed was attractive and I was starting to have an internal struggle with my own lustful desires and my mission.

'How so?' I asked as he drew himself closer to me, standing between my legs and craning his neck down a little. He didn't reply but I noticed his fingers twitch on the table and I could tell he wanted to touch me. Running my tongue over my teeth, I closed the gap between our faces a little by placing my cheek against his own. 'All you have to do is say yes.' Drawing back from his ear, John's expression was one of disorientation. It was almost as though he was too dealing with some sort of internal struggle.

'John I need to talk to y-' Holly barged into the room and stopped in her tracks. 'What exactly is going on here?' She asked, hands resting on her hips. John was still looking at me, trying to figure me out. Cockily, I raised an eyebrow at him before sliding off the table and pushing past his frame. Flouncing past a pissed off Holly, I left the room but lingered close by the door to listen in. 'What the fuck are you doing with her?' She scolded, clearly uncomfortable with me.

'It's none of your damn business.' John replied, also heated. 'She's just a prisoner until Joseph comes to collect her.'

'Pfft just a prisoner, sure. The boner in your jeans seems to suggest otherwise John!' Holly yelled. This was seemingly more personal than I'd originally thought. I tried to back away quietly but ended up tripping over a box. Clattering onto the metal floor, Holly swung the door open and angrily stormed over. 'Listening in were you rat?' Her eyes were manic and she immediately connected her boot with my face. The power behind her kick was enough to split my lip.

'HOLLY, IN NOW.' John's authoritative reprimand was enough to make her back off. She glared at me before re-entering his room. Sitting up, I spat blood onto the floor and used my arm to wipe any remaining trickles from my mouth. Struggling up to my feet, John held his gaze on me for a split-second before turning into the room and closing the door behind him.

'Alright sinner, back to your cell.' A cultist rounded the corner and immediately pulled me into their grip. Allowing them to do their job, I mulled over what could've happened had Holly not entered the room. Maybe John was just as conflicted as I was.

Stockholm Syndrome (John Seed x Deputy OC)Where stories live. Discover now