Chapter 2-Friday Excitement and Embarrassment

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"Catch me if you can, Metal Arm the Pirate!" He starts to run.

"PETER CORNER HIM!" Bucky shouts, chasing after him. I shrug, then I run after him while pulling Ned. MJ decides to join, so the 4 of us corner Clint.

"You better say your prayers, birdbrain." Bucky snaps. Clint looks panicked, then smirks.

"Haven't caught me yet."

"Wha-" Clint springs up in the air and into the open vent. He scurries away before Bucky can nab him.

"SHIT!" Bucky yells, storming off to the elevator. Just before the elevator closes, Bucky calls out.

"We'll get him later, right Peter?" I flash him a thumbs up as the doors close. Everyone is staring at me, then they start to bombard me with questions.

"How do you know the Avengers?!"

"Why did Hawkeye jump out of the vent?"

"Are the Avengers always that crazy?"

"Oh come on! Peter doesn't actually know the Avengers! He bribed them so they would talk to him in front of us!" Flash yells at everyone.

"I don't Flash, that seemed to crazy to be staged." Ned replies.

"Oh shut your mouth, beluga whale. No one would want to get to know Peter! It'd be an amazing feat Peter would have to pull off, and he can't do that!" Flash laughs.

"You know what else would be an amazing feat?" MJ shots back.


"Shutting your mouth." That shut Flash up. We all climb into the elevator and it takes us up to the press floor. When we step out, I do a double take. The press room suddenly had about 15 booths, with 2-3 heros at each one. Thor's was labeled "Asgard History" and he and Loki were standing there. Shuri collabed with Rocket and there booth was all about weapons. Tony and Bruce's were about science stuff, like radidation and arc reactors. Quill, Gamora, and Drax were at one booth, and Quill must of named it because it said "Tales of the greatest space heroes in history". Mantis, Wanda, and Strange were talking about their magic, T'challa and Okieye were doing Wakada history, Steve, Clint, and Natasha were doing self-defense, and lot of other booths.

"Now, everyone get into groups of 3 and go explore any booths you want! You have 3 hours, so choose wisely." Ned, MJ, and I group up and head over to Thor's table.

"Ah, Hello Young Peter!" Thor booms, squeezing me.

"Y-yea, good t-to see you to, T-Thor." I wheeze, and Thor lets go of me.

"So you young humans want to learn the history of Asgard?" Loki asks, glancing at his brother. Me and Ned nod, and MJ flashes a thumbs up. So, for the next 15 minutes, Thor booms random facts about Asgard and Odin, while Loki tells us about the wars and other events that happened throughout their history that made Asgard what is it today. We wave, then head over to Natasha, Steve, and Clint's booth. Flash and his friends are waiting in line to try to spar with one of them.

"I'm going to go up against Black Widow. She's the easiest out of all of them. Once I beat her, Tony Stark will have no choice but to invite me to join the Avengers!" Flash brags. I roll my eyes. Flash steps up on the mat and does a crane kick pose. Nat puts a hand on her hip and raises a brow. Flash then springs forward and throws a punch. Nat dodges it easily, and grabs his arm and flips him. He lands on his back and groans. He quickly stands back up, and leaps at Nat again. She steps to the side and he flies into the mat. He stands up, and whirls around. He punches a few times, which she dodges, the throws a kick. Nat catches his foot, and kicks his other foot out from under him, so he slams his face into the mat. I can't help but let out a small chuckle, which he unfortunately hears.

"Well, Penis, if you think it's so funny why don't you spar her yourself!"Flash snaps. I meet eyes with Nat.

"Давай сделаем это. Давай, борись со мной, Питер. (Let's do it. Come fight me, Peter)" Nat challenges.

"Как пожелаешь, Нат. (As you wish, Nat)" I respond, stepping up to the mat. I get in my stance and she does to. I spring forward, pretending to throw a punch and when Nat dodges, I throw my elbow back, hitting her in the back. She stumbles, and I take my chance. I leap on top of her and pin her.

"Побить Тебя. (Beat you)" I tease. She smirks.

" Очень хорошо, но ты меня еще не побил. (Very good, but you have not beat me yet)" I look at her, confused, then she bucks up. I go flying off and land on the ground, and she puts her foot on my chest.

" Не смотрите на рот, смотрите на руки. (Do not look at the mouth, look at the hands)" She states while helping me up. I shake her hand and walk off the mat, with everyone giving me bewildered looks. Flash grabs my collar roughly and pulls me aside.

"How did you get her to talk to you?! Is it because your a charity case? That would make sense, since no one would want you as a intern, you stupid weak-"

"Excuse me, but what the hell did you just say to my personal intern?" a voice asks behind us. We turn around to see the one and only Tony Stark standing there.

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