Part 7

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Lauren was swinging her legs, seeing her dress move. Camila and Shawn had told her that she was going to be a part of their family, and she was excited. She was unable to sleep the night before. Shawn and Camila walked into her bedroom, telling her they couldn't sleep either. Shawn created a small fort in the living room, while Lauren picked out some movies and Camila got some light snacks. The three had a short movie marathon, Lauren falling asleep quickly in the comfort of her foster parents.

That morning, Shawn and Camila let Lauren choose their outfits for the day. They arrived at the court an hour before the hearing. Lauren was sitting on a bench with Benji, while Camila and Shawn spoke to Elizabeth.

"Hi," she heard a small squeaky voice call to her. She looked over to see a brunette boy standing next to her, a grin on his face. Lauren gave him a small wave.

"Can I sit here?" the boy asked, patting on the spot next to Lauren. The little girl nodded her head. "I like Spiderman."

Lauren frowned, watching as the boy pointed to the red and blue guy on his shirt.

"Tom!" she heard a man shout. Lauren turned to see a blond man walking to them. "Tom, you can't run away like that."

Tom pouted. "Sorry daddy. I made a friend."

The man looked at Lauren and gave a smile. "Hi. Are you here alone?"

Lauren shook her head, hugging Benji a little tighter.

"Where are your parents?" the man asked, looking around.

Lauren pointed to Shawn and Camila, both who were keeping an eye on her and the man, ready to intervene.

"Oh, that's my wife," the man said, pointing to Elizabeth.

Lauren hummed, swinging her legs.

"I'm Chris, and this is my son, Thomas, but we call him Tom," Chris introduced himself, smiling at the girl.

"Lauwen," the girl whispered, "Lawn and 'amz," she continued, pointing to her soon to be adoptive parents.

"Lauren is my bestest friend," Tom told Chris, nodding his head. "Right Lauren?"

The little girl was bewildered, her eyes wide. She could feel her heart race faster. She knew about friends. She liked Shawn and Camila's friends. She wanted her own friends. And this little boy she just met wanted to be her friend. Lauren could feel tears fill her eyes.

The smile on Tom and Chris's faces disappeared, seeing the little girl's tears stream down her face. Chris looked at his wife, panic in his eyes. (He knew of Lauren's past and didn't want to touch her without permission of her or her guardians.)

Camila ran to the little girl and knelt down in front of her. "Hey, you're okay," she whispered, giving Lauren a small smile. She placed her hands on Lauren's laps, palms up to let the girl put her own hands on them. "Breath Lo."

Lauren nodded her head.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?"

The little girl pointed to Tom. "F-f'iend."

"He wants to be your friend?"

Lauren nodded her head.

"Do you want that?"

Lauren looked at Tom, who looked sad. She gave another nod. "Wan'."

Camila smiled at the girl. She turned to Chris and Tom. "She probably got overwhelmed at the thought of having friends. You're okay now, aren't you Lauren?"

Lauren nodded her head. She tapped Camila's hand before wiping her tears.

Chris had stood up during Lauren's little moment and stood next to his wife. Lauren looked at Shawn, to see him staring at her with a soft smile.

It was then the court doors opened, allowing people to enter.

Chris gave Elizabeth a kiss on the lips and picked Tom up.

"See you Lauren," Tom waved, while his father carried him away.

"Are they coming by later?" Shawn asked Lauren's social worker.

"Yeah, Tom wanted McDonald's Breakfast. Chris is getting him some while we go get Lauren adopted."

The little girl heard her name and looked at Elizabeth. The woman smiled at her. "Let's go make you all a family."


Judge Amell looked up from the paperwork in front of him. He could see hopeful families with children they all wanted to adopt. His job was making sure those kids went to the best homes for them. And seeing the love of adoptive parents had for childrens they wanted in their family was what made him proud of bringing the joy.

"Mendes Family," he called out, seeing a familiar curly haired man with a brunette woman and little girl. He looked at the file, feeling disgust at the little girl's background. He read about the death of her parents and the fact that no other family was found. He looked up to see Shawn giving the girl a piece of paper and a pen. The little girl started to scribble on it. He turned back to the file, seeing that the girl was found at three, and was now four. Shawn was the detective to find her. Camila was a preschool teacher.

He looked at all the accompanying paperwork, before giving the Mendes family, little Lauren and her social worker, Elizabeth, his attention.

"You know, these kids come in needing homes. And I try my best to make sure they do go to the families who have their best needs in mind. Some are easy, and others are hard. Kids should always be in loving families, in caring environments. And when we all get the chance to give them one, those are the best moments in our lives." He could see the smile and love in Shawn and Camila's faces as they looked at Lauren. "Lauren?"

The little girl looked up at him, a small confused look on her face.

"Do you like being with Shawn and Camila?" Judge Amell asked the little girl.

Lauren nodded her head, hugging her stuffed bear. Her little legs swinging on the chair.

"Can you tell me why?"

"Lawn and 'amz nice. Dey, uh, tea pawties. An' pawks, an' kisses."

"They kiss you?"

"Kiss me nigh'," Lauren told him, pointing to her forehead.

Judge Amell gave a small smile.

"Camila and Shawn Mendes, do you wish to adopt Lauren into your family today?" he asked, a smile on his face.

"Yes," Shawn answered, tears filling his eyes.

"Always," Camila told him, her own tears on her face.

"Lauren, would you like Shawn and Camila to be your mommy and daddy?" he asked the little girl, his voice soft.

Lauren let out a little gasp. She looked at Shawn and Camila. "Mommy? Daddy?"

"We want to be your mommy and daddy Lauren," Camila whispered, looking down at the little girl, "do you want us to be?"

Lauren nodded her head. "Yes!"

Judge Amell smile and let out a small laugh. "Well, by the authority vested in me by the state of California, I pronounce you a family. Congratulations, it's a girl."

Shawn and Camila both hugged Lauren, tears streaming down their faces, while Lauren let out a giggle.

Judge Amell smiled, knowing even with the first three years and a half years of her life, Lauren was going to be okay. She had parents who loved her. Parents who were going to protect her. And that was all he wanted for each and every child he saw.


The first part of the book is done. Next up is celebrating this and then the second part, raising Lauren.

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