17th March, 2014

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Alex had planned spending the night just hanging out with Dylan's dad the day if the Ed Sheeran concert but when Dylan got home the tension was so much that she couldn't breathe so she just went home.

It was two days later and she was in the Chemistry lab waiting for it to start. She didn't know what would happen because Dylan was her partner and they still hadn't spoken to each other. She'd given up because she believed she hadn't done anything wrong so there was no way she was going to apologize first.

She kept nervously glancing at the door because the class was about to start and Dylan hadn't showed up as yet. Even though she already had the scholarship she still needed to pass her classes and she was getting worried becuase you needed a lab parttner to pass this class. The very last second before the class started the door opened and Dylan rushed in. He looked around for a bit before it actually registered to him where he had to go. He walked to the back of the class and took the seat next to Alex. 

"Hi." Dylan muttered and Alex frowned up at him.

"M- you're talking to me?" Alex asked putting a hand to her chest. She didn't mean to sound stupid, but you couldn't blame her. He had been ignoring her for a pretty long time and she was just trying to make sure she wasn't stuck in some dream. 

"Obviously." Dylan muttered again like he was scared to talk to her. It was as if he'd get punished for doing it.

"Oh. Uh, hi." Alex replied as she still tried to grasp the fact that Dylan had actually talked to her. It was short lived though because the Chemistry teacher was a bitch who demanded silence so even if she wanted to talk to him she couldn't.

That didn't matter though because Dylan only talked to her when it was absolutely necessary. Like;

"Pass me that test tube."

"Did you already add the sodium thingy?"

"Is it supposed to be that colour?"

She wanted to talk to him. God knows how badly she wanted to just, talk to him. He was that important that she was willing to take the blame and just say she was jealous just so she could have her best friend back. She missed their late night calls, or their random movie marathons and most of all she just missed doing absolutely nothing with him and still loving every single second of it. She wasn't going to 'sell her soul' for him though. As much as she loved Dylan, saying she lied about Ashely won't get her, her best friend back. It would get her Ashley's boyfriend. 

Ashley's boyfriend was not her best friend; Dylan was her best friend and the boy standing next to her was not Dylan. She couldn't even call him a shell of Dylan because he was a different person completely. And yes, she knew people changed but she was going to be selfish this once and say Dylan didn't have the right to change; especially for a bitch like Ashley. That's what probably hurt Alex the most; Dylan let a twelve year friendship crumble because of a relationship that wasn't even going on long enough to even be called a relationship.  

Dylan could literally hear the battle Alex was having with herself in her head. After all, he was her best friend for twelve years. They were the same person. Dylan knew she was fighting off making the first move and apologizing because he was having the same struggle. Only in his case, he needed to apologize because he chose a girl he barely knew over the one who knew him better than he knew himself. 

Dylan would like to think it was pride holding him back from just manning up and saying sorry. He wanted so, so badly for things to go back to normal but he realized his 'normal' didn't include Ashley. His 'normal' included him flipping his shit on a Wednesday morning when he realized his 'Blink 182' t-shirt was still at Alex's house and he won't get to wear it to school. His 'normal' was being yelled at by Alex's mom for sitting on the counters and stealing brownies the minute they came out the oven. His 'normal' included climbing down the tree by his bedroom window when he and Alex couldn't sleep just so they could freak Kyle out. His 'normal' revolved around Alex because his normal was Alex. 

It wasn't that he didn't like his normal; he loved his normal. But he had 'normal' for twelve years and for once in his shitty life, he wanted a change. He wanted to know what it felt like to be seen by someone other than Alex; to be accepted by someone other than Alex. 

So Dylan decided that for now, he was going to enjoy this little bit of Ashley that he got. He wasn't stupid; he knew it won't be forever. After being with her he quickly realized she wasn't they type he'd settle down with but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy dating her. Besides, Alex knew he loved her and he knew she loved him. She wasn't going anywhere for now so Dylan decided to just push everything to the back of his mind. He'd apologize to Alex when all the drama died down. He had all the time in the world and he knew Alex wasn't going anywhere. 


This was super short and I'm sorry.

I haven't updated in like, forever so I pushed myself to do this and I know, I just know, it probably stinks on ice.

The others will be better; that I promise you. I've been really busy so you may get one update a week (if you're lucky).

Okay, if this sucks I'm really sorry. Thanks for the views though; you guys rock!! Go read my other Dylan story is you dare. It's called A Soldier On My Own. Okay, bye, its 12:39 AM here.

I love your sexy faces!!

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