Chapter Eleven

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He nodded making his way into the school. When I got to the pool Caleb was already warming up so instead of disturbing him I decided to go sit in the stands and get started on my work.

I was done in about an hour so I was able to concentrate on the practice session going on. This school was a hub for hot guys. But Caleb was just, so yummy and also, very good at volleyball. I was so into the testosterone splashing around the pool that I didn't notice Crystal sit next to me. "What's the deal with you and Caleb?"

"What's the deal with you and Caleb?" I retorted. 

"He's my boyfriend so you should back off." She bit out and I smiled, not taking my eyes off the pool.

"Really? That isn't what he told me. He told me that he turned you down so now you're a cold hearted bitch to all his female friends. I may be paraphrasing a bit." She grunted but I refused to look at her.

"Listen here you little bitch; you can't just creep in here and steal him from me. We belong together."

"First of all; he came up to me. Secondly; I don't think He's yours so I won't be stealing him from you. And finally; you do know he's moving to Australia before the end of the school year right?"

"No he isn't. He would've told me."

"Oh, he probably forgot then."

"Hey, don't think for a second..."

"Look Crystal, translating bitch is giving me a headache. Could you move so I could enjoy the view?"

She got up and stormed down the stands. When she was almost at the bottom she tripped and fell. I was the only one who saw her trip but after the way I laughed, everyone else saw and put two and two together. She turned a bright shade of red and ran out of the pool room. Caleb looked up and saw me then. A huge smile spreading on his face when our eyes connected. I gave him a thumbs up sign before his coach yelled at him for not paying attention.

Two hours later when the coach finally decided it was time to call it a day I went over to the edge of the pool and got on my knees. "Do you wanna come in?" Caleb asked.

"Caleb, if you only dare pull me in..."

"Don't worry I won't. Hey, I'm gonna go get changed." He said pointing to the locker rooms. "Don't move." I ended up outside the pool room roaming around the halls.


"I thought I told you not to move." He walked up to me and the smell of his body wash was so mesmerizing I had to force myself to not sniff him.

"Well, you did, but I didn't listen." He smiled and motioned for us to start walking.

"How was it?"

"I wish I came to this school. The guys are so amazingly sexy."

"Are you trying to make me jealous?" He asked as we walked out the school. I braced on my car and looked up at him.

"Is it working?" He smiled.

"Yes, I should be the only sexy one." I laughed and checked the time. It was close to six already.

"I'll try to remember that next time. I have to get going Caleb."

"Wait, come to my game on Saturday. We can do the whole take a drive and just talk thing that we were supposed to do."

"Sure, I'd love to. Oh, that reminds me; Ashley is making an attempt to coexist with me so she invited us to her Halloween party."

"I would be gone be then though."

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