We split off after that to get ready. Beca follows me into my room and closes the door. "Um its okay if you don't want to say I'm your date. I would understand if you didn't want people to know." She says looking anywhere but at me. I walk up to her and cup her face. "I'm more then okay being your date Beca. I don't care who knows." I tell her truthfully. Beca gives me a shy smile. "I may be the first delinquent to bring a date to one of these. And I have the hottest date." She says with a smirk. I smile and hesitate before leaning down and kissing her. We move slowly and pull back with big smiles.

We break apart and say our goodbyes before getting into Aubrey's car and driving a local dress store. "So Emily do you have a date?" Aubrey asks trying to make small talk. "No, wanna be my date?" She winks at Aubrey through the mirror. Aubrey's eyes nearly bug out of her head making us all laugh. "Kidding. No I don't have a date. The delinquents usually go so solo to these things." She says with a shrug before looking out the window. "Why is that?" Chloe asks glancing at me through the mirror.

"Ummm it is pretty much known that our group of friends is trouble, hence the nickname, so we aren't really welcomed to date. Parents would flip and stuff." Emily says sounding slightly bummed out. I frown and take her hand. She gives me a grateful smile as we pull up to the parking lot. "Okay shopping time!" She yells sprinting out of the car. "Wait up!" I yell as I quickly get out after her.

It took nearly an hour but I found the perfect dress. A black two piece to highlight the goodies with red on the inside and a long slit in the leg. "I think this is it!" I smile spinning around while Aubrey and Chloe look the dress over. "Honestly it looks really good." Chloe says with a big smile. Emily comes in and her jaw nearly hits the floor. "Wow... you look so hot! $50 says Beca rips it off of you before we even get there." Emily says with a smirk as she lets her eyes linger a bit, completely missing the glares my sisters send her.

"Maybe we should try another one." I suggest frowning as I look at the tag, its way more then I wanted to pay. "Oh don't worry about that. Beca said to treat you." Emily says with a shrug. "No need... it's fine. I can find a better one." I respond. Emily dramatically sighs and leans against the wall. "Nope you like that one. I'm buying it. Unless you want two dresses?" Emily says pretending to pick at her nails.

I roll my eyes but finally agree. Emily buys the dress and a beautiful navy blue one for herself. We grab a quick bite to eat before heading back to the Mitchell house. It sucks that Aubrey and Chloe have to go back to school when we get back. I say my goodbyes and ignore the tension now bubbling up with Chloe. They ask me if I made my choice  about where I want to live, I honestly haven't even thought about it. No matter what I pick someone will be hurt. Why can't things be less complicated?

Beca's POV

I sigh at Emily's text saying to get black and scarlet red. Lucky for me I have a plain black suit I was going to get. I curiously look around to find something red to match while Benji and Jesse browse nearby. "Do you need help?" A voice asks. I spin around and an attractive blonde looks me up and down. "Um yeah. I need to add some scarlet red to match my date." I respond. The woman frowns slightly when I say date but recovers and taps her chin.

"Oh I have an idea!" She yells before she grabs a red flower and red heels. I smile wider and take the items. "This is perfect." I say picturing the outfit in my head. She nods and looks around before stepping closer. "So is this date, like, your girlfriend." She hesitantly asks. My mouth opens but nothing comes out. She must take this as a sign because she steps closer. "Because if not I would love to hang out sometime." She says seductively as her eyes roam my body. I bite my lip and glance around, noticing Jesse and Benji's knowing smirks, just within listening distance. I look the girl up and down next. Damn she is hot but I can feel a pit in my stomach when I imagine giving in.

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