Meeting Mr. Carrozza

Start from the beginning

"How did you start those businesses? Drug money?" He smirked, fucking asshole.

"Dad!" Olivia gasped speaking for the first time, she was caught off guard so she dropped her forking letting it clink against the plate. If it didn't have a chip in it I'd be surprised.

"It's fine darling, actually no. I don't deal drugs, I never have and I never will contrary to what you may have heard." I offer Olivia a small smile before I continue to explain myself.

"I don't believe you." Her uncle crossed his arms over his chest after pushing his empty plate away from him.

"How would a man at your age have that much money if you don't sell drugs? What is it guns then?" Her dad shakes his head in disbelief.

"Dad! Enough, that is so rude." Olivia shoves her barely touched plate away clearly she lost her appetite not that I blame her but I don't want her to go hungry.

"I don't sell guns either. My family comes from a long line of wealthy Marino men. Though we may be monstrous bastards our finances are legitimate. I opened my business from money I inherited when my father was murdered. I run my companies professionally and legally on every aspect." I answer calmly letting them know I'm unfazed by their interrogation though I was growing irritated quickly. I don't have to explain shit to them but yet here I am.

"You're like the richest guy in New York!" Alonzo gushes his eyes bright with excitement and it makes me remember a time when I was that young and excited about something.

"I suppose so." I shrug absentmindedly. Yes I have money, more than I know what to do with but I don't boast about it because to me it's not everything. It was up until a few months ago but now my everything is sitting beside me in a coral dress chewing her fingernails down to the bed.

"How long have you been running the business for your father?" Her dad arched an eyebrow. I knew what he meant by business, the mafia.

"My father was killed when I was fifteen so for twelve years now." I lean back and throw my arm over the back of Olivia's chair lifting my ankle resting it on my knee casually.

"So in twelve years you expect me to believe you haven't done anything illegal? No drugs? No gun violence? Nothing?" Her dad smirked, clearly enjoying this more than he should.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Olivia yelled and slammed her palms down on the table pushing herself up standing up right.

"Olivia-" Her dad widened his eyes caught off guard by her outburst, hell even I'm surprised by it.

"No this is bullshit! You promised you'd try to get to know him but this isn't trying dad! This is a fucking interrogation." She was shaking with anger and probably sadness. I wanted nothing more than to reach across the table and choke the man but I couldn't do that.

"How do you expect us to act? Like he is some type of angel? I won't do that. I won't sugarcoat who he is." Her dad glares at me as if he is trying to set me on fire with his eyes alone.

"At least fucking try! I won't sit here and let you insult the man I'm in love with like this! He has been nothing but nice to you guys! You think he wants to be here anymore than you want him here? NO! But he is TRYING! My whole life I've been proud of who you are and what you do but right now I'm ashamed and I'm disappointed." By the time she is done yelling she is shaking with rage. My little spitfire, my angel so quick to defend me, the devil. Her words pierce through me like a needle 'the man I'm in love with' make my head spin and my heart melt inside my chest.

"Livy Lou-" Her dads jaw opened and closed a few times trying to let his mind catch up with her rant.

"Let's go Luca, we are leaving." Like a dog listening to his master I rise to me feet.

"Thank you for dinner and for having me over. I hope we can do this again maybe under better circumstances next time." I pull my lips into a tight smile before following Olivia out of the room. Her dad and uncle called her name a few times but she ignored them. She sped out the door and yanked the backseat door open and climbed inside and I followed suite.

Inside she was seething and trembling in her seat barely holding herself together. I was seconds away from marching my way back in that house and breaking some bones or cracking skulls but instead she climbs into my lap slamming her mouth on mine. Our lips moved in sync like the perfect melody. I knocked on the roof letting Franco know to drive.

"I need you, now." She begs and as if she even needs to ask. I need her as bad as she needs me, to feel her in a way that only we can connect. She reaches down and fumbles with my belt undoing it and unbuttoning my pants before pulling my dick out of my pants. I lift her up so she is standing and slide my hands up her thighs under her dress making her knees buckle from my touch. I loop my fingers around her underwear and in one soft movement I pull them down around her ankles and she kicks them off before climbing back into my lap but slamming herself down on me.

"Oh my God!" She groans as I feel her up. I let her take charge, it's what she needs right now, to be in control. She starts bouncing up and down fast and hard moaning and cussing the whole time.

"It's okay baby." I dig my fingertips into her hips sturdying her. I feel her squeeze me from the inside out.

"Fuck Luca!!" She throws her head back exposing her extended neck. I wrap my hand around her neck pulling it towards my lips before I nip and suck my way to her collarbone leaving her a puddle of mush in my lap.

"Oh! Oh my fucking God yessss!" She screams bouncing riding me harder with such force I feel my own climax coming. The only sounds were her moans and screams, my grunts of approval, and the sound of our flesh connecting with her every thrust.

"I love you Luca! I don't even care if that scares you." I'm seconds away from exploding inside of her but I grab her chin between my thumb and index finger and our eyes lock on one anothers.

"I love you Olivia." My words push us both over the edge she throws her arms around my neck connecting our lips. I felt every emotion rolling off of her, her love for me stronger than them all. This girl really will be my downfall but if it means having her then I'll gladly accept whatever fate is thrown my way.

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