I stumbled out of the prison, grasping my head in my hand. My bones began to break before I had even made it outside, reminding me of what happened before in Switzerland with Othello. The second my feet touched the ground outside, I began to shift. I frantically ripped the shirt off my chest, and then fell to my knees. My canines lengthen in my mouth, along with teeth in my mouth.

I let out a howl, one that shook the very depths of my now broken soul. Countless howls responded to my own, echoing out their own call of sadness, alerting me that they heard and experienced my pain. The packs echoing howl was supposed to make you feel protected, safe even. It only reminded me of how alone I truly was, because now I was without the one thing every pack member had to look forward to. Their mate. True my mate had been a horrible person, but that didn’t mean I didn’t crave to be around her. But now that I was no longer bound to her was I really as broken as I felt? Or was I finally free?


~Beau’s POV~

I couldn’t force myself to go down to the border with the others, at least not at first anyway. Lucie hadn’t been able to get down there either, and I didn’t blame her. She had been locked up longer than I had. I went to her door and knocked on it. She didn’t answer. I was about to turn away, knowing that I was the last person she wanted to see right now. Before I could even get two feet away from the room the door burst open. Casey stood on the other side of the door, a furious expression on his face. I didn’t realize how distracted, I was until he had my shirt collar in his hands. He backed us up until I was flush against the wall. He looked at me disgusted and then let me go, only to send a fist flying my way. I caught it just before it hit my head and twisted, my body on high alert. He resisted, stepping out of my hold.

“What’s your problem?”

“You’re my problem. Every sense you got here things haven’t been going right. First you bring the one person I hate most onto my land. Then you bring the people that held my mate captive for a month as well. If you’re trying to piss the Alpha in me off, you’ve succeeded.”

“I haven’t been purposely trying to step on anyone’s toes. How about you?” His eyes narrowed.

“What are you talking about?”

“You have been keeping things from everyone… like the real reason you want to find Frey Caulfield. We both know the reason you gave the pack earlier was full of crap. So Casey, what’s the reason?”

“I don’t have to explain myself to you?”

“When was the last time you talked to Dominic?”


“Dominic? You know the 6’2 blonde guy? Blonde hair, blue eyes? Ringing any bells?”

“I know who Dominic is. Get to your point.”

“You have never heard the call? The call of a broken wolf? One that has rejected their mate?” The look on Casey’s face said it all. He had no idea. I pushed off the wall, readjusting my shirt.

“How about I clear the air for you Mr. Alpha. When your mate dies, you feel empty, like part of your soul is ripped out of you; it’s a feeling that never leaves you. But when you reject your mate… it’s like that part of your soul is being burned out of you, like that part of you is disintegrating within your very body. I rejected my mate. My alpha mate.” He looked at me incredulously. Everyone knew I hated Alpha’s, now he was one of the few who actually knew why.

“What happened?”

“She died soon after I left. She was blinded by her faith in her family, by her obligations as an alpha. Her father tried to tell me that I wasn’t allowed to avenge my family. That was why I left. Now here you are, pretending to be on the same mission as me. Its why I helped you at first. Even I believed the lives you were spewing. But I started picking up on things that didn’t fit with your story. With our story. So only one conclusion could be made. You were using it as a cover, the only thing I haven’t figured out is for what.” I had tried not to anger Casey since I got here. I had held my tongue. Before I had slouched in his presence just to make him feel taller, when in all actuality, I was close to three inches taller than him.

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