Chapter 40 ~ The Sea Witch

Start from the beginning

Hook chuckled softly. "The only pressure you should feel, dear, is this one."

His hand pressed more firmly against her back, pulling her closer so that she could feel the pressure of their bodies against one another as they swayed gently to the music. Hot shivers ran down Mia's spine at the placement of his hand. Oh, she had it bad if this was all it took.

The crew had gone silent. The only sound to be heard was Hook and Mia's booted feet clopping delicately across the deck and the gentle lapping of the waves against the hull of the ship as they were serenaded by Mr. Shaye's accordion. A canopy of stars hung in the velvet black sky above them, and Mia couldn't help thinking just how romantic this was. Lyrics from a song, not-so-long forgotten, entered her head.

I know you
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam

This dance wasn't too dissimilar to the sort she'd seen or imagined between a fairytale prince and princess. But instead, Mia discovered that her prince was a debonair, roguish captain of the high seas. And yet, the dance... it was all the same. The sorts of things little girls' dreams are made of.

As the melody came to an end, Hook lowered her into a graceful dip. And it was there he held her, as they gazed into one another's eyes. If there was ever any pressure to perform, Mia felt it most keenly now. Her hand moved to the back of his head, her fingers entangling themselves in his raven hair as she pulled his face to hers and kissed him with a passion that had been building ever since their escape from Isla Tesoro. She could no longer deny her feelings. And though she still could not speak them, she could at least show them. Like this.

At first, Hook seemed surprised by her actions. But he was quick to reciprocate. Hook pulled Mia out of the dip and lifted her off her feet, spinning her around as he kissed her with a triumphant fire. The sounds of the crew were muffled in Mia's ears, as all she could hear was the beating of her heart, which, to her, was not so unlike the sound of waves pounding against a rocky shore.

Hook set her back on her feet. As their lips parted for breath, their foreheads met and they gazed deeply into one another's eyes. It was truly a blissful moment. Never had they felt more connected... and then the ruckus began.

A chorus of 'Ooohs' resounded across the deck, accompanied by laughter and applause, cheers and cat-calls. One pirate shouted, "I bleedin' knew it! I told ya'! Now pay up, Jukes!"

Hook spun towards them without releasing Mia, resulting in him placing her in an awkward headlock. "BELAY THAT NONSENSE, YOU SCURVY BILGERATS!"

"Hook!" grumbled Mia, yanking her head out from under his arm.

"Oh. Sorry, dear. It's a reflex."

Mia glared irritably at him; her hair tousled. Hook tilted his head back and laughed. Then he ruffled her hair and placed his hat atop her head.

"As you were," he said to his crew, and they took up their nightly revelry once more. "Come," he said, offering his arm to Mia.

Mia tilted his hat further back on her head so she could see beyond its wide brim. Then she took his arm and allowed him to lead her across the deck away from the rumpus. He led her to the quarter deck and took a seat on the stairs, pulling her into his lap.

"Mia..." he said softly.

"James," she said, blushing.

"Are you happy here?"

Mia gave it some deliberation. "Yes," she said slowly. "But..."

"But you miss your family... and your friends," he finished for her.

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