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Sadly the book is slowly coming to an end, and this is the last book in the series :(

Please vote at least for one chapter it would mean so much :)

Thank you all for sticking with the two books!! xx


I go into my room and lock the door as a few more of them read the letter. I don't mind really, maybe thy an help me understand why he did the things he did.

The door opens and I look up to see Niall closing the door behind him.

"You okay?" He whispers and sits next to me on the bed.

"Not really," I mumble and he puts an arm around my waist. "W-What if we don't find him?"

"What are you talking about? 'Course we'll find him," He whispers and kisses my forehead.

"What if he's not..."

"Stop that," he mutters and pushes some hair off my face.

"I love you," I whisper so low he hardly heard.

"What?" He asks and a cheeky grin crosses his face.

"Don't make me say it again," I mutter and look away grinning.

"I love you," He whispers back and puts his forehead on the side of my head. "Look at me."

I turn to look at him and he cups my face in his hands. "I love you," He repeats and my grin returns.


"Say it." He whispers and puts his hands on my hips. I lick my lips and stay quiet. "Say it." He presses and grips my hips.

"I love you," I whisper and he immediately kisses me.

At first it's slow and emotion filled but it quickly turns passionate and needy. I lay back and he moves so his laying on top of me, one leg between my thighs and he's holding his weight up with one hand and the other is on my waist. I put my hands at the back of his neck and play with his hair. My entire body is ignited from his touch and I realise how much I've missed him.

There's a knock at the door and Niall sits up. I roll my eyes in anger and tell them to come in. Surprise surprise it's Louis and Calum. What do they even want to talk about?

"Yes?" I ask and they look at each other before walking in.

"You okay?" Louis asks and it's occurred to me that Calum hasn't spoken all morning.

"I'm fine, you?" I say a little bit angry and Louis squints his eyes a bit.

"What's wrong with ya? Why the fuck are you acting like this?" Louis growls and shakes his head.

"Pardon?" I scoff.

"You're being an absolute bitch!" He screams and I hear the conversations outside stop.

"Fuck off." I growl and walk out. I hear Ashton yell my name but I keep walking. I click the button for the elevator but take the stairs, hopefully it'll buy me some time. I run down the stairs, trying not to think about the pain in my leg.

I get all the way to the bottom before I realise it's raining outside and since my cars still wrecked I can't go anywhere. I go back up a flight and sit down. I'm so angry and upset and frustrated. God I hate this.

"Bee!" I heard a female scream echo from the top of the stairs. I pull my knees up to my chin and silently sob into them.

"Stupid bitch." I mumble to myself and continue crying.

The Runaway 2 - N.H.Where stories live. Discover now