Read Me A Poem

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Unlike you, I like the idle world:

I sit quietly in the distance,

Moved only by the sight of you.


Sometimes, I can see you wave your hand.

And that even, seemed closer to me.

I am not riddled with your hellos and goodbyes;

They just made my longing stronger.


Love, place me least in your garden.

Let your eyes scarcely cast me on your sleep.

But at night, if on your love-bed,

You see me resting once,

Dearest, just let me grow,

Just let me sleep.


Let me wake with the absence of the rose,

And of the poem,

And of an empty hand--

Off my hands.


Love, hold me in the quietude of things

And let me hear--

What I have written.

© 2010 J.S.P.

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