Our Eyes

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My eyes,

Like any other eyes

Staring at the window

In the loneliest of bus rides-

The long way home.


I travel

Like paired green wings

Of a quetzal,

Like vagrant leaves

Led to be nostalgic

To a neighbouring dead tree:

I am the memory

Of my shattered heart.


Through idle times like this one,

I recall myself staring at you-

Un-captured by your smile, your lips,

Your scent,

But instead

Your eyes open for me,

Making me feel the movement of the Earth,

The breath of God.

But I only look at them


That's just what is life for me,

Only because--


One is reminded of hoping

When you are lifting your eyelids.

One is reminded of dreams

By the closure of your eyes.

But when my eyes close

And suddenly reopen,

I tell you:

One is reminded...

...of missing you.

© 2010 J.S.P.

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