we know the end (ii/iii)

Începe de la început

"Who else is coming?" Luna wondered, just as the hairstylist said she was done doing her hair. She thanked her quietly, before turning to the bride to hear the answer.

"That you've met and know? Simón, though you probably know that already. Pedro is bringing Delfi, obviously, uh... Juliana and her husband, and I'm almost sure Benicio and Emilia are coming together." This surprised Luna.

"As in... each other's dates?" Yam nodded. "Wow.  I didn't know they were dating." Sure, they seemed overly friendly while they were shooting the movie, and even closer at the premiere, but she'd have never crossed them as a couple. Admittingly, she was pretty dense when it came to romantic matters.

"Well, they are, according to Ramiro. Oh, and he invited Ámbar as well, but she marked her attendance as inconclusive, so I'm not so sure she'll be there." Yam frowned at this, the bridezilla in her surely hated not having an exact number of attendees confirmed. "If she shows up, I hope she shows up alone... I don't know if we'll have enough seats for everyone who signed as inconclusive if they all end up coming."

"Do you think she'll bring Matteo Balsano? I've always wanted to meet him. I bet he's even hotter in person." Yam's cousin inquired, clueless to the sudden silence that seemed to take over the room.

Luna tried her best to look nonchalant, while the rest of the girls seemed to share a helpless look.

It was Nina who, after a moment, cleared her throat to say, "I don't think so, he's not, um... close to either the bride or groom."

Finally, Luna threw a questioning glance to Nina, silently asking her if there was a possibility, he'd be there at all after all. "I'd have told you if I knew." Her friend answered quietly.

"I know." She said just as quietly, the awkwardness of the situation taking over her emotions. She felt ridiculous; his name shouldn't get her worked up. She'd told Nina and her friends many times it wasn't an issue, but somehow, hearing his full name out someone else's mouth had her frozen over. She'd already asked Yam and Ramiro a couple of times if the situation could present; the answer had been the same each time: I don't think so.

In a very confusing way, ever since she first spoke to Nina about it, Luna had hoped it would. Then, maybe, she'd have the guts to speak to him and apologize for running out on him; and, to be completely honest, she wasn't sure she could do it without a little push. She'd convinced herself he must hate her by now, and if she were to call him, he'd probably ignore it and let it go to voicemail. If he happened to come to the wedding, or to any public setting she happened to be in too, he'd have no choice but to at least acknowledge her. And maybe then she could try and apologize.

Her mind was quieted down by Yam.

"Well ladies, enough with the gossip! I'm walking down the aisle in less than two hours, and if I don't see your asses moving to get dressed in the next fifteen seconds, I will punch you."

He said yes.

Of course he did, how could he not?

He'd tried to say no for a total of ten seconds, but it just wasn't happening. Matteo's heart, mind, and soul wanted to say yes. His brain was outnumbered, it was pointless to fight it.

So, he said yes.

And now here you had him, sitting beside Ámbar, watching two people he barely knew tying the knot, far away from the person he'd said yes for, away from her line of vision, because he couldn't bring himself to say hi before the ceremony started.

She looked beautiful.

Red suited her very much, and she looked beyond lovely. Gorgeous.

Luna hadn't noticed him, nor had any of the bridesmaids – otherwise, he was sure, they'd have told her to look his way already- but that didn't mean the rest of their friends hadn't. Gastón, who hadn't guessed his whereabouts by a miracle, widened his eyes so much he'd thought they'd fall out, and then proceeded to blow up his phone with messages. Delfi, who was sitting with her recently announced fiancé, smirked his way, alerting said man and the rest of his bandmates. Both Pedro and Nico waved at him shortly, before resuming his attention to the couple getting married; however, Simón was a different matter. He looked surprised, confused, and annoyed, all in five seconds. He only turned his gaze back to the ceremony after Ámbar flipped him off.

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