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Just holding, onto you tonight until morning 

Baby that's the damn truth

If home is where the heart is

I'm homesick for you

Kane Brown, Homesick

Talullah smiled, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

"I've got you all to myself for the whole day then, don't I?"

"You sure do Mr. Lahote." Talullah said, tapping his nose.

"Whatever shall we do?" Paul asked dramatically. 

"Go back to bed, that's what." Talullah said, laughing a little.

"Whatever you want to do, Baby." Paul said, pressing his lips against hers before releasing her from his embrace and pulling her to the bed. 

They laid there, Paul playing with her hair, Talullah tracing designs on his chest. 

Eventually, they both fell back asleep and only woke when there was a pounding on the locked front door. 

Paul growled as Talullah stumbled out of his embrace to run down the stairs, pulling a hoodie on over her clothes. 

Once she made it to the door she stopped, waiting for Paul.

"Who is it?" She called out. 

"It's Jake! You weren't in school so I called Charlie. He said you were playing hooky today." The voice on the other side of the door said. 

"Did you bring my homework?" Talullah asked, unlocking the door as Paul rolled his eyes. 

"Of course I did, Lullah. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't bring you work from hell?"

"Thank you, Jake." Talullah said, taking the stack of papers Jake had in his hand. 

"Of course, anything for my best friend." he nodded, glancing at Paul. "When did Paul get here?"

"I got here this morning."

"Did you spend the night or something? Does Charlie know about these little sleepovers?"

"No, and he's not going to find out. Is he, Jake?" Talullah asked, glaring at the two. 

"I suppose not. Won't want you to get into a lot of trouble." Jake said, smirking at her. "Might get grounded."

"Dad won't ground me. I'm his favorite. His one child with the least amount of drama in her life." She responded, making Jake and Paul laugh in unison.

"Yeah, we'll see about that. He'll find out eventually that I've been staying the night." Paul said, pulling Talullah into his chest and kissing her forehead. 

That's when Charlie got home. 

"Oh, hey kids." Charlie said, walking up the driveway. 

"Hi, Dad." Talullah said. "How was work today. And yes, Jake brought my homework to me."

"Good. And work was fine. Nothing too exciting happened." Charlie replied, shooing them in the door. "Now, are you boys staying for dinner? I think Lullah is cooking up something good tonight."

"I've got some things I need to do tonight, but I'll stay for dinner another night." Paul said, grabbing his sneakers from by the front door. 

"That's too bad, I was going to make lasagna." Talullah murmured, pouting.  

"Well, you know I'll stay for dinner." Jake said, jumping over the back of the couch to sit down. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lullah." Paul said, kissing her forehead as he finished putting his shoes on. 

"Bye, Paul." She said, frowning a little. "Sam need you to come over?"

"Yeah, something about some rogue vamps." Paul whispered to her as she walked him outside. 

"Oh, okay. Well, keep me updated then, Paul. And stay safe!" She pulled him down to her and kissed his lips lightly. "I'll see you after patrol?" 

"Of course you will. Save me some of that lasagna."


super short and shitty sorry guys 

I just moved with my boyfriend and trying to get everything situated so just a quick short update

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