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Half an hour later Talullah pulled up to the Cullen house, parking her car next to Bella's truck.

"Alice!" She called out, getting out of the car and shoving the keys in her pocket.

"Hi Talullah!" Alice said, popping up behind her.

Talullah let out a soft scream and Alice laughed a little.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" She said.

"What was with the cryptic phone call earlier?" Talullah asked her, walking towards the house.

"I can't normally see the future for the pack, but for some reason today I could, and I'm not sure why." Alice replied, walking besides Lullah.

"Yeah, I know. But what did you see?" Talullah asked her.

"Just something good that's going to happen to you soon." Alice replied, a large smile on her face.

"Good how? Because I'm moving in with him or something else?" Talullah kept asking Alice questions.

"Something else, but that's amazing! Congratulations, you deserve this after everything you've been through because of my families involvement with Bella." Alice said, wrapping her arm around Talullah.

"I mean, none of it is your fault, its because Bella just attracts danger like a magnet or something I guess." Talullah laughed, wrapping her arm around Alice as well.

"Are you excited for the wedding?" Alice asked as the two of them walked inside.

"Of course! I'm not excited for Charlie to be alone though, Paul and I are moving in together right after the wedding." Talullah told her.

"Charlie will be okay, he's been alone before." Alice replied.

"Oh, speaking of your vision, I thought you couldn't see the wolves in your visions?" Talullah spoke as they made their way up the stairs to the kitchen.

"I can't normally, which was why I called originally but Carlisle and I figured out why I saw Paul in this specific vision." Alice nodded her head.

"Does Edward know about the vision?"

"No, he was with Bella."

"Oh, okay. Are you going to tell him?" She asked.

"Nope, this is a secret that only Carlisle knows. I made him pinky promise." Alice laughed, her voice chiming like soft bells in the wind.

"Smells good Esme!" Talullah said as they made it to the kitchen and spotted Esme standing over the stove.

"I'm making you and Bella some lasagna since she is coming over soon as well." Esme said, as Talullah walked over and hugged her. "It's nice to see you again dear."

"It's good to see you again too, Esme." Talullah released Esme from her grip and took a seat at the bar besides Alice. "Anyone got any plans after Edward and Bella leave for their honeymoon next week?"

"No we don't, why? Rose and Emmett might but the rest of us don't." Esme responded. "Besides Carlisle working no one has plans."

"Why do you ask?" Alice asked, a look of confusion flashing across her face.

"Well, Charlie is going to be alone soon, we all know that. Especially since I'm moving in with Paul not long after. I was wondering if maybe we could throw a small get together with the pack and Charlie along with the tribe elders. Like a little peace offering to renew the treaty and all." Talullah said.

"I think that's a great idea, Talullah." Carlisle said, walking into the kitchen. He kissed Esme on the forehead before walking over to the counter in front of Alice and Talullah.

"Hi Carlisle, how have you been?" Talullah asked, smiling at him.

"I've been great Talullah, how have you been?" Carlisle asked her. He gave Alice a quick glance and Talullah frowned slightly.

"I've been great. Feeling slightly under the weather the past few days but I'm sure its nothing."

"Would you like me to do a quick check up?" Carlisle asked her.

"No, I'm positive it's nothing. It'll go away in a few days." Talullah said. "Besides I'm pretty sure you can't help me having dreams of the future. I think that's Alice's forte."

"You've been having dreams of the future?" Alice asked, grabbing Talullah's arm quickly.

"Yeah, I have. They're just super blurry but I can see Bella and Edward but she's still human and he looks distressed, like he's waiting for something terrible to happen." She replied, nodding her head at Alice.

"I haven't seen anything about Edward and Bella past the wedding, which I thought was weird." Alice said, looking over to Carlisle who had a frown on his face.

"Talullah, I insist, let me give you a check up and then we can talk more about this with Alice later." Carlisle said, stepping around the counter and placing his hand on her elbow, gesturing down the hall.

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