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Isa_Nowinska13 this is for you :)

Talullah follows Carlisle back to his office and Alice gave her a small smile as she passed her.

"So, tell me, have you been sexually active recently Talullah?" Carlisle asked as he closed the door behind her.

"Damn Doc, just jumping right in. Yes Paul and I have been sexually active recently." She replied, her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.

"Are you on any birth control? Using protection?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her as he sat down at his desk, pulling out a file. "When was your last menstrual cycle?"

"My period has always been irregular, I haven't had it in a couple months but I have gone a few months without one since I hit puberty." Talullah replied, frowning at him.

"Have you and Paul been using any forms of birth control?" Carlisle pressed, his lips pressed in a line.

"We forget sometimes, but he's never...you know...inside." Talullah mumbled, rubbing her neck.

"So you haven't used protection, what was the date of your last period?" Carlisle asked, opening a drawer. "Before or after graduation?"

"It was before, I remember because I wanted to wear white jeans but didn't want to ruin them."

"I want you to go into the bathroom and take this with you," He handed her a pregnancy test. "I just want to check if you're pregnant before we go forward."

"I mean, I guess." Talullah took it from him and stood up. "I guess I'll be back?" She walked towards the door. She walked down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door behind her, locking it quickly.

"I can't be pregnant. "She said to herself, looking in the mirror. "That's just crazy. He's insane." She looked down at the pregnancy test in her hands before sighing and shaking her head.

"Better to know now rather than later." She mumbled, unwrapping the plastic test. She quickly took the test and replaced the cap on it, setting it down on the counter as she waited for the results. She stood at the sink and washed her hands as slow as possible while she stared at the test. She dried her hands and pulled her phone out, setting a timer for three minutes before putting her phone away again.

There was a knock at the door and she groaned quietly before running her hands through her hair, pulling it up into a bun as she opened the door.

"Paul? What are you doing here?" She asked, seeing her boyfriend in the hall waiting for her against the wall.

"Carlisle called and said you needed me." Paul replied. "I was worried, I thought you were hurt or something...I dunno." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "It stinks in here." He whispered to her.

"Well, Carlisle is crazy. He thinks the reason I've been having those crazy future dreams is because I'm pregnant." Talullah told him, pulling him into the bathroom with her. She jumped and sat on the counter beside the test. "I've only got another minute before we find out."

Paul shut the bathroom door and locked it, turning the overhead fan on and clenching the counter on the sides of her legs, as he stepped in between them.

Talullah pressed her forehead against his chest and took a deep breath, inhaling his scent as she reached for the test, her hands shaking.

"What if I am?" She asked, looking up at him, biting her lip as her eyes filled with tears.

"Then we'll just have to get married before Edward and Bella." He said, half jokingly.

"That's not funny, Paul." Talullah smacked his arm with her free hand. "I'm being serious. What are we going to do?"

"We'll figure it out, baby. Nothing will change except we'll have an extra person at home with us." Paul said, bringing his hand up to her chin and gipping it softly in his fingers. "I love you, and nothing is going to change that, okay?"

"Okay...I love you too Paul." Talullah replied, grabbing him by the neck and pulling his face closer so she could kiss him.

The loud beeps of Talullah's phone is what broke them apart, and they both looked down at the test in her hands.

"Two lines for yes, one for no." Talullah said to him.

"Talullah, that's got two lines on it."


I'm sorry that I have been kind of AWOL recently, I've had a lot of people close to me passing away and have been trying to cope and handle it as best I can, I wanted to take a break from writing and now I think it's best that I continue writing so I don't dwell on the sadness.

Thank you again for all the reads and votes! It means so much to me!

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