Chapter 2

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I didn't sleep last night, and I wasn't very awake this morning. I rolled out of bed to find my cat laying on her rug on the floor.

"Midnight! Let's go get some food, yeah?" I was answered with a very loud meow. Midnight stretched her fat, black cat body and joined me as I walked out of my room.

We entered the kitchen and Dad was there cooking up breakfast.

"Hey, Sunshine!" Dad called out to me, flipping the egg around in the skillet. He has always called me that since like birth.

"Hey, Dad. Can I have two eggs?" I asked, sitting down at the small table.

"Sure thing! Remind me to call the shore for more eggs, Sam."

"Okay, I will. Just give me some eggs. I'm starved!" Dad set the eggs in front of me and gave the cat her special cat food.

After the three of us finished our food, we went out to the deck to do what we did day after day, for most of the day-go fishing. I was so sick of the taste of fish, the smell of fish, and just looking at it. But it was also the talk time with my Dad which I really enjoyed. (He really liked fishing, and I liked to talk, so I guess everyone wins.)

I grabbed our fishing poles from the corner of the living room area and ran outside to meet Dad who had the tackle box in his hands.

"Ready to fish, Sunshine?" Dad asked me, handing me some bait.

"Yeah, I'm going to catch a fish as big as Midnight!" (Midnight was a pretty large cat by the way.)

Dad and I sat there for about 2 hours and caught a total of 14 fish-7 for each of us. We put all of our fishing stuff up and went back inside the cool boat.

"Hey, can I have a sandwich?" I asked Dad, heading back to my room.

"Sure thing, Sam."

I ran back to my room and grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed. I kept a journal on there and typed all about my day and what I did-yeah I was that girl. I did it to look back through the years of entries and smile about each one of them because I didn't want to forget any memories.

After I was done typing about today's fishing total, I closed the journal entries and opened the Internet and looked at the radar for today's weather. My heart skipped a beat after I looked at it.

"Dad! Dad! There's a big storm coming!" I yelled.

"What, Sam?" He apparently couldn't hear me so I came out of my room and repeated the statement.

"Oh dear. Make sure Midnight is inside and make sure all the windows and doors are shut tight while I finish our sandwiches then I will join you sweetie."

"Okay," I said. I put Midnight in my room, and went around the boat making sure everything was shut up tight. I ran back to Dad and told him that everything was fine.

He nodded at me and we sat down and enjoyed our lunch, but very silently. When I was about to take the last bite of my sandwich, I could start to hear the wind whistling around the boat. I told Dad I was going to take a nap in my room. He nodded and continued to eat his sandwich.

I got in my room and closed the door. I looked out my tiny window and decided that the sea storm wasn't going to be that bad and crawled in bed and slept. What I didn't know was that I was wrong.

Completely wrong.

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