Part 34

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So Met Khushi, anything happened" a teasing voice touched his ear drums.
"Di, let me guess, you are the one who sent Khushi"
"Right guess, my Aru. Shyam is the one who was coming to take Krrish but I stopped him, sent Khushi"
"Thank you my dear Di"
"Now go and take rest, we dont have much time for wedding its nearing Aru"
"Yes Di, Even I have less time to win back my love"
"Do you have plan in mind"
"You will came to know with time Di"
"Gn sd Aru" Saying that Anjali moved to her room.

"Same to you Di, Now I have to become Arnav and ASR for win back my love" His mind made conclusion.
"ASR here, I need each and every details of that person. Got it. I dont have more time to" Arnav informed on phone.
"Thats good"
"Miss Khushi Gupta be ready to become Mrs.ASR soon. I will make you mine. Now ball is in my court" Arnav smirk.
After 2 days.. Day of Mehndi.

"So you know, what you to do. here is your envelop of notes, I Hope  10 notes of 2000 is enough for your help" Arnav Said while hand over the money filled envelop to the person.
"Dont worry sir, You will be happy with my work"
"It should be" Saying that Arnav moved only to stop by Anjali with naughty look.
"So what is the plan brother bring back bhabi on track"
"wait Di, Your Bhabi is none other than Khushi Gupta so it not a straight going plan for bringing  back her. You just wait and watch. When I am meet her after 5 year, She meat the rude ASR and she managed put me down with her rude behaviour and Then I  fall for her then she meet with emotional Arnav then she never back of from making me realize the pain of rejection and now turn to be ASR in good way to bring back her to track."
"One thing is proved only Khushi can control the Great ASR and the emotional Arnav. She is looking pretty  in her green colour lahenga and living room is look like a beautiful flower garden with beaitiful swing decorated with flowers for Payal. But bad you can see those decoration or Your Khushi because its women only zone. " 
"Do you really think so Di, then let me inform your small niki already inside in women costume and the colours is bluesh green and I dont need to go and meet her, She will herself come to me"
"How"  Anjali got her answer in another second
"Hey Krrish come here" Arnav called out Krrish who was going to enter the mehndi hall.
"Yes ASR"
"Hey buddy, this is girly function let we go and pan in my laptop. What says" Arnav smartly made Krrish agree.
"Yeeepeeeee, I love playing game. Even mamu but he not come today"
The information made Anjali little  sad, then also she covered her emotions.
""Nice move Aru, Now you enjoy your company and let me go in"
"Anyways you are looking good and Ask your  bhabi put some mehndi on her soft hands" saying that Arnav to his room along with Krrish.
Mehndi Hall
"This dress  look good on Kiran, which you are wearing. Hai na Niki"
"Diii???" how she came to know it was me, Nikhil murmured before peeping out from his shawl covered face.
"Take this free advice, My little brother. Run out from here before anyone notice you here especially Kiran who give this dress to you for your so called invisible friend. And one more thing Your Kiran start to fall for you"  Anjali murmured near his near which made Nikhil excited and screamed "ARE YOU SURE DI" without caring the current situation. When he realized his stupidity run out of the hall.
Anajli stared at her brother with smile.
"Hey your mehndi looking gorgeous Jiji"  Khushi commented looking at Payal hand which is covered with mehndi and 2 girls putting mehndi on her foot.
"Ma'am may I put Mehndi on your hand, its says everyone who attending the mehndi function should put a small drop of mehndi" Asked one of the mehndi putting girl said.
"You said it right dear, I am asking her when to put mehndi but she denying me. Now you have to put Mehndi Khushi for your sister" Anjali forcefully made Khushi sit and the same girl started to put Mehndi on Khushi's hand. Where  khushi whole concentration kept on her phone calls which is coming continually on her Bluetooth tegarding work.

"So what Anjali ji" asked confused Kiran looking at her favourite writers who is pop up from somewhere and looking at her with mischievous look.
"So you are unaware about the dress which you to Niki is not for any of his friend but for himself"
"Dont scream Kiran, I know if you was aware about this you could have give him good dress not torned one. Am I right??? but I am confused why you gave old cloth to his friend when you have good collection of dress" 
"Di...o Actually...I....."
"Don't be nervous Kiran, your heart does not digest the fact that Niki asked your dress for his friend. Am I right"
"How you know that" Kiran asked with shock on her eyes.
"If I am in your place I also do the same. And also I happened to hear your conversation with your friend regarding same matter"

"You are right Anjali ji, I was not feel good when he asked something for someone else. but I am confused about my feelings. My Di always say possessiveness not good for any relation but this also type of possessive"
"This also possessiveness but difference us every men seek for this possessiveness from his love lady, lets me show you"
Saying that Anjali took sand from near plant pot and Kept it in Kiran Plam and ask her it close it,  and Kiran did the same
" look the sand is securely in your hand right,  now close your plam using pressure"
When she pressure it the sand start to move out from her hand.
" Possessive  also like a sand dear. You just have hold it for love one but never use your power and make them unbreathable in your relationship which will hurt your plam and sand will not in secure place then."
"I got Anjali ji, I know how to go from here."  saying that Kiran kissed Anjali and move from there with beautiful smile on her lips.

"Now it your turn Mr.Shyam Gupta, I have to make you realize what you missed out, the game beign from here"

Love You

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