"And why is that?"

"Our fates and souls are linked by and infinite string, no matter where or when, we will find eachother"

Mabel was visibly confused so I spoke once again to clear up the issue

"Mabel, do you know about the multiverse theory? Well, not theory since Ford kinda confirmed it but that's not the point, Do you know what that means?"

"Different Universes for every posible thing?"

"Yes, that's what it is basically. Bill and I met in a universe far far away from a long long time ago.

We were friends in the begginings of society, the cipher wheel was a prophecy as well in that universe. They were the first of a series of reincarnated beings.

Bill, Stan, Ford, Pacifica, Gwendy, Soos, Myself and even you were on the same era, the prophecy was going to come true, ourselves sealing the evil away, but the evil thing we were supposed to seal was a little 15 year old that never did any harm. In fact, he helped the young to learn, helped the poor to pay and helped the old to live, but that didn't matter for everyone.

One day, that Bill, slipped up and saved me from death, being friends from then on. Then you found out about Bill being the demon in the prophecy and told the whole village. Rioted his home, k-killed his parents for bringing the demon to life, his little sister was saved b-but became a slave since then to the day of her death.

Bill was throwed into the middle of the circle drawed by Ford,-*sharp inhale*-who was the leader of the village and called upon us to 'seal' him forever. I-I, of course, tri-tried to defend him, resisting everything they did to keep me in my spot on the wheel. When-*sob*- they finally put me on my spot and started the chanting I sto-*voice crack*-od up and r-ran to Bill, who was bleading from the rocks-*sob*- throwed at him and bu-burned by the thorches that they-*sob*- surrounded him in to get him there.

I recieved a bunch of rocks my way but I-*breaths*- I didn't care for the pain, I wasn't giving up. Then YOU-*inhales*- you asked Ford if it was possible to do the prophecy with only my b-body, we were related-*sobs*-but we weren't siblings, so I-*sobs*- don't know why you did that. Ford said that they-*sob*-they sould give it a chance and I recieved an a-a-arrow to the he-*sob*-ad. That's-*sobs and inhales*-all I remember"

I started crying in the middle of the story and I was sobbing by the end of it, Mabel was shocked but calm.

"I remember something more"-said Bill-"When I was on the ground getting defended by the 13 year old Dipper from back then, I started an enchantment that would protect us. When I was about to finish it, I heard the sound of a crossbow and I heard a loud thump. I saw Dipper's body bleeding, the arrow in between his eyes, everything. Then a rope was throwed and Dipper's body was getting dragged to his spot.

I was in shock, so with Dipper's blood everywhere, I changed the enchantment. I begged to the gods and to my magic that I could bring Dipper back. I did it, but since Dipper's blood is in the wheel, the whole wheel would be ressurrected but back then I didn't care. They tried to seal me, so I used that power to finish the spell.

I wouldn't be sealed, but trapped in the mindscape to pay for the huge deal I made. I glanced at Dipper's body one last time and accepted my fate. For everyone else seemed like they sealed me away, but instead they started the prophecy to a whole new hell.

I grew insane in my 2 dimensional inprisiontment and transformed into a powerful mind demon, I made deals for people and conquered universes. That's kind of everything"

I was full on crying by all that Bill suffered, since he didn't want to tell me before, this was my first time hearing it. I wanted nothing more than to hug him.

*"Can you turn into human?"*

"Mabel's here Dipper, are you sure?"

*"Yeah, just let her talk and then, please"*

"So then, you guys are destined to meet again?"

"Yeah"-I said, wanting nothing more to get out of this situation-

"Then why even bother dating William if you will end up with Bill?"

I facepalmed out of instinct

"Welp, since our Secret's Out, let's reveal everything"

R wlm'g orpv gszg hglib, R dzmg gl ulitvg rg

1290 words... I really loved this chapter, I hope you love it too.


Welp, this is the end of the 5 chapter special 😂
I really need to get the chapters out there since I have 25 to 30 chapters planned for this story and a 5 chapter long epilogue, sooo, I have my work cut out for the next months.

See you later my Kitty-Kats

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