{X} Seashell Scar.

Start from the beginning

A small smile appeared on her face now, “I’m not going anywhere.”

He also wanting her to say as long as he was his, he knew Vanessa was smart enough and would get the hint. Even though nothing ‘funny’ has happened with her and James, Raphael doesn’t trust him. He isn’t sure he was so protective of Vanessa and why he couldn’t stand her being with another guy.


Vanessa watched as her dad joked around Anita who was laughing back at each other corny jokes while they were out to dinner. She could feel the heat coming from Adalyn who was next to her without looking because she was so focused on the smile on her dad face. She was filled with happiness inside to care if Adalyn was acting jealous. Seeing her dad happy, it made her happy.

“So the time traveler was still hungry after the last bite, he went back four seconds.” Anita said the corny joke and her dad laughed at the corny joke. Vanessa didn’t really think it was funny, but she laughed along because she wanted to show her dad she was having a good time with him and his new ‘girlfriend’. Her dad hasn’t officially said ‘girlfriend’ but they were together.

“What is this?” she heard Adalyn coldly said, grabbing all three of their attention. She was looking down at a salad in front of her and Vanessa saw what was wrong with it. There was crab on top of the salad. She picked the plate up and shoved it at the waitress who looked confused and a little scared of the young women. Adalyn was beautiful and always had an angelic look to her, but when she was mad—you better be scared. “Ugh, take it away!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am. Forgive me, the orders must have been confused.” The waitress said.

“How cruel, that poor little crab had to die just for ya’ll to enjoy him.” she said, scoffing as her arms crossed over her chest. “Cruel torture.”

“Whoa Adalyn, it’s okay.” her dad said and Adalyn eyes quickly soften as she looked at him. He looked at the waitress, “Sorry, she’s just having a bad day. Can you please grab the right order? Thanks.”

Adalyn smiled at Vanessa’s dad, “Thanks, George.”

Vanessa breathed heavily out her nose as she grabbed her cup of water, and drank from the straw. The mushie look Adalyn was giving her dad was a clear look of ‘love’ and Vanessa didn’t like it.

“You got such a nice haircut.” Adalyn said, admiring her dad and clearly wasn’t hiding it. “I know you said you like a nice shaved face, but I think the whole beard thing you had going on was great. Though you do look younger. So either way, you look great.”

Vanessa ran her hand through her hair, “So Anita, how’d the department? Are you going to the festival Friday?”

Anita nodded, “Yes. I usually have to always end up working on that day, but your dad talked me into calling off. I haven’t gone to it in a while, so I’m kind of excited.” she said, smiling at her dad for a second.

“George, I hear that dancing was happening there.” Adalyn said. “Save me a dance?”

“Oh Adalyn, he’ll probably just want to dance with Anita. They need more time to bond together.” Vanessa said and Adalyn smiled at her, but it was stiff. “Anita, you have such great skin. I hope I look at least half as great as you do when I reach your age.”

Adalyn rolled her eyes but Anita didn’t notice and she looked happy to hear that, “Oh thanks, Vanessa. I don’t smoke, drink, and as you can see don’t really tan. Also must be good genes I guess.”

The waitress came back with Adalyn order and Adalyn stabbed into the plate hard, almost breaking the plate. She angrily chewed on the salad but Vanessa ignored her and smiled at the happy couple in front of her.

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