{XV} Jeans.

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Vanessa knew it wasn't the ideal place but the garage in her yard seemed to be only place for the girls to go. There wasn't allot of things in the. All the holliday stuff was packed on shelves and her dad came out here once and while to clean it.

Kyoko, a Japanese mermaid smiled, "The warm weather...it's amazing." she said as she stood in the entrance as she looked around. "I have been at the arctic for two hundred years. I can feel the sun rays on my skin." she said as her arms open wide as her head tilt back. Her long black hair that went pass her bottom looked glossy and shinny from the sun.

Hasina who was an Egyptian mermaid, lowered down towards a small radio and pushed some button, "What is this?" she said. "What is it meant to do--ahh!" she squealed as a rock song played loudly. She quickly stood up, bring her foot up, and kicked the radio off the stand it was on.

"Hey!" Vanessa said, going over and picked the radio up. It appeared fine, nothing damanged. She set the radio down with a sigh, "Look girls, I know you have been in the arctic awhile and things are new--Tavia."

Tavia, a Portuguese mermaid closed the lid of the bucket of christmas things quickly and turned around. She smiled at Vanessa, appearing innocent like she was listening this whole time. "My queen, go on please."

Vanessa watched as Ninda, Alia, Kyoko, Hasina, and Tavia gathered in front of her. Raphael and James stood against the wall, not talking to each and didn't even look at each other. "I need you all to relax. I need to go inside the house and help Adalyn get you all clothes. Err, girls chooses in clothes are different then the last two hundred years. I'll be right back. Don't leave the garage, my dad well be home soon."

Vanessa quickly left the garage and went into the house. She went upstairs to her room and helped Adalyn find some clothes.

"Not what I expected." Adalyn said as she looked out the window at the garage.

Vanessa grabbed some t-shirt, "Ninda knows how to find the Elixir. I feel like we can trust them."

"Of course you can. Anyone banished to the arctic would do anything to leave. Knowing they have a leader is all the strength they need to leave."

Vanessa lowered her head as she closed the drawer, "I don't know how well of a leader I'll be. You're a good leader, Ninda a good leader. You're both strong and I'm--"

"Young." she said. "Only thing we have to worry about them is their behavior. They been mostly cut off from society for a long time. The villages in the arctic aren't very modern like Coasta Sirenas. It cold and lonely. They'll wanna take advantage of their freedom. So as a Queen, you got to know when to put your foot down Vanessa."


Hasina giggled as she bottom Vanessa jeans, "Look, the girls these days can wear men clothes!! Oh my, my mama would strike me down if she knew this! I love jeans!"

Kyoko jumped, "Jeans! I want a million pairs of them."

Alia looked confused as she stood there with her blouse unbutton, her breat barely covered. Both of the boys had left the garage to let the girls change from the raggy long dresses they wore. Vanessa button the shirt up, "It's a blouse. You just button it like this."

"Nothing else?" she asked. "No bodice or dress?"

Adalyn shook her head, "Times are different now, Alia. Girls don't wear long dresses anymore. Their very different from your time."

Tavia looked down at the blue summer dress, "My legs have never felt more exposed. I love it!"

Ninda stretched her arms out, dressed in shorts and a black tank top, "Today world, I can get use to it."

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