{V} A Mermaid Kiss.

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“I think we should wait.” Raphael said when a bright lighten flashed across the sky and heavy thunder pounded across the sky. It started to rain pretty quickly, it didn't start off slow.

“We'll be fine.” Vanessa said. “We're in the water, the storm won’t hurt us. It's getting really dark to.”

“You sure that's a good idea?” he asked.

“Adalyn told me. We just have to stay down enough.” she said and took his hand. They went into the water and went to the surface. Raphael gave her an uncertain look, but she smiled at him. “It's going to be okay.”

She brought her arms up and dipped back into the water. It was darker than usual, but she could still see thanks to the moon. She could hear the thunder even under the water and she looked up. Raphael grabbed her hand and she looked at him, seeing his confused look. She was getting this bad feeling. So maybe swimming in a thunder storm was a bad idea. Adalyn had told her it was always safe, it was more risky for the people at the top of the water.

Then why does she have this feeling in her stomach like she gets when she watches a scary movie? Something went across the moonlight and she realized it was a boat.


She swam up to the top, Raphael following behind her. When she got to the top, the yacht was a dozen feet away but she could see James running to towards the back and opened a door where she watched him touch buttons and other stuff with a worried look. The yacht boat was rocking allot due to the strong winds blowing.

She knew it was dumb of him to go out here in this weather.

“Vanessa?” Raphael questioned and he grabbed her hand when the wind started to separate them. “We need to go!” he yelled threw the storm.

She looked back at the yacht and knew there was no chance she could help James. She told him not to go out here with a storm coming, but he was too cocky to listen. This isn't her problem, even he's in the safety of his yacht. He'll be fine.

Something hard hit against her back and she was forced under the water. She felt Raphael hand slip from her and the waves pulled them further away. She was flipped around until she was far under the water where the waves couldn't be controlled. She turned around quickly to find Raphael and he was so far away she almost missed him.

When she started to swim near him, she heard this horrible sound. It was running nails down a chalkboard or—the sound of metal. She looked up to see red bright lights and her eyes widen.

What in the hell? She wondered as she swam up to the top. Right before her she saw flames around the yacht and she took in a sharp breathe.

“Vanessa!” Raphael cried behind her, but she stopped herself when she saw James running back to the back of the yacht. He was panicking and frighten, not sure what to do since the fire extinguisher was going to be hardly any help.

James started coughing and he dropped to the floor, holding his chest as he coughed. He'll die from the smoke before the flames could get to him. Without even thinking, she forced her arms out and swam towards the boat. Panicking herself, she reached up with a shaky arm, trying to spray the yacht that was burning but the heavy pouring rain hardly even helped and she was too scared to focus on using her powers.

Another strong wave pushed her down but she swam back up. She grabbed the rail of the yacht, “James! James!” she screamed, hoping he'll hear her. No answer came and she groaned as she pushed herself up. She shook her tail and her legs came back. She climbed to the top of the yacht but the metal was of the rail was hot that she almost let go and fell back into the water.

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