{XX.} Metallic Silver.

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Vanessa and the others rose up above the surface of the middle of the Atlantic. Vanessa pushed her hair back, "The water seems a bit different in this part."

"You'll get use to it after a while. It's the same salt water but you can always tell the difference between the locations." Ninda said.

"Are you sure we're going the directions?" Raphael asked.

"Yes, of course." she said. "I've been swimming around this world for hundreds of years. It's gonna take a bite more time but we're close."

"We should keep our eyes open for any of the girls." Kyoko said, looking around nervously.

Ninda nodded, "Yes. Queen Vanessa and I will lead the way while you four keep a watch out in all direction. They girls are sneaky, so if there's anything suspicious don't hesitate to let us know. We gotta take no chance."

"And when that happens, what?" Raphael asked. "We fight? You all might be but me and Vanessa aren't fighters."

Ninda swam over to Raphael, "Well you better start now if you wanna protect her." she said. Raphael gave her a slight hard look but nodded his head. "Our main goal is to get Queen Vanessa inside so she can find the Elixir, it's most likely still in that box of hers." She turned to look at me, "It's a very old wooden box, it's not very big. She keeps the liquid in a small vial, it's a silverish-gray color and very thick looking. She use to wear it as a necklace so it might have a chain."

"You should get it since you know what it looks." Vanessa said, biting the inside of her cheek.

She shook her head, "I'm the strongest among the girls. I have to fight allot of them off as I can. You can do this." she said. She looked up at the sky, the sun turning the sky a mixture of red, pink, and purple as it started to drop. "We should be quick. Lets go."

"Wait." Vanessa said, grabbing her arm before she could go under the water. "We look for Adalyn also before we leave. She's in trouble."

"If she's with Queen Severina, that's a lost hope-"

"We find her." Vanessa said sternly as she pressed her lips together. "I was so mean to her and all she ever has done was be there of for me. She was just letting her feelings get the best of her. We don't leave without her. Not matter. . . no matter what stage she is in. Okay?" she said, looking at all of them and they stared at her for a moment before nodded but Ninda so she turned her attention to her.

Ninda sighed heavily, "Okay."

They went back under the water and kept heading towards the island that Vanessa still wasn't sure what to expect. She was already feeling tired and this all was worried her. She could feel her heart racing inside her chest because she knew going against Queen Severina was possibly the worse thing to do. She knew going inside this there was so many risk but what could she do? This wasn't just about James anymore but Adalyn. Yes, they had an argument but Adalyn has always been there since the beginning.

She wasn't gonna abandoned her now.

Something deep down inside of her knew she wouldn't have the guts to even think of doing this if it wasn't for Ninda and the girls. They talked her into doing this-even though she knew she had to do this-and she was risking everything. Mostly her own life but she had to at least try. If she wasn't gonna be human anymore, she can't wait hundreds of years like the girls need to teach Queen Severina a lesson.

Vanessa turned her head to look at Ninda for a second and knew she should be known as Queen. Ninda was strong and confidant, she knew how to be a mermaid. Vanessa was a child, she hardly knew how to handle things in her human life. What were they really expecting from her? That's why she let Ninda take control of how things go because Ninda truly deserved to be leader.

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