Chapter 18

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Wil and I were the first awake and left immediately following. We left a note for the royal family thanking them and bidding them good-bye. The family had supplied us with our needs including flint, horses, food, blankets and spare clothes. It shouldn't take long to reach the twinkling lights or the rainbow now and then we shall travel to Bungular to help Wil's brother.

We rode into the sunrise, heading back to Marc's footprints. Once we got there we once again headed east. I was wearing boy's tunic and breeches along with my cape, boots and cap. Wil was wearing the same without the cap. The day was still cool and I shivered slightly under the warmth of my cloak. Once the sun began to rise and the day grew warmer, I would stuff it in my satchel. My sword hit my side as the horses stepped in time and the rising sun glinted off the sword at Wil's hip. Dinmaple had gone as far as to supply me with a real bow and with ample arrows.

"Where do you suppose we will find 'twinkling lights'? Why can't we skip them and just look for a rainbow in the sky?"

"These 'twinkling lights' should be on the way to the rainbow. As for skipping them, the lady said that it was important to talk to them."

"You trust a crazy, old lady you found in the woods that told you that twinkling lights were something you need to talk to?"

"Not really." I sigh and look up at the sky, anywhere but into Wil's eyes. "But she has gotten us this far. Truly, when I started, her map was only an effective way to get me away from home. I was running from fear." I look down at my hands.

"Have you learned what you wanted?"

"I don't think I needed a quest to get my answers. i just had to overcome my fears and be brave. I know better who I am, but I am still not ready to face it. I don't know what I am doing here or what to do next. How about you?"

"The fairy was right. I do need to be on this quest. I somewhat know who I am, but I have been hiding it, from myself and the world. I know what I am to do next and I can have some-sort of answer of what I am doing here."

"Have you ever noticed how everything works for a purpose and in the end it is good. No matter the circumstances it is in the end to the greater good. The world seems to work like that. Someone made it to work together  and point it all to realizations. Someone made everything, cares about everything, cares about everything and is so smart that he prepares everything to have a greater good."

Wil was absolutely silent. "I think you have a better understanding of why you are here than I."

I thought about what I had said.

"Amantha!" Wil bolts me into the real world.

I look up. All around us were twinkling lights and ahead of us was a colored aura.

"We made it," I breathed.

We dismounted and tied our horses.

The base of the rainbow was beautiful. The woods had opened to a glade filled with tiny lights. The green, plush grass softened our steps. The rainbow arched from the ground up onto the clouded sky. The sun shone bright on a lake behind the bow which had a silver cascading waterfall behind it. Flowers bloomed at the banks and butterflies, bees, dragonflies and what I believe to be fairies float to and fro. I stretch out my arms and spin in the dazzling lights. When I stop, the lights cluster to me.

"Hello? Do you speak?"

"Yes," one of the lights squeaks. Their voices were like music and their lights were gorgeous.

"I heard that I am to speak to you," I say.

The lights giggle. "We thought you would never ask."

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