Chapter 2

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I SHOUld not have been as shook as I was. I was not at all ready for suitors. I decide immediately to not like any of them. So after Marian got my measurements for my gown I disappear to the stables. Ringo snorts a greeting to me as I enter to brush him.

"Oh, boy, my mother doesn't understand. I am not ready for marriage. Why must I grow up? How am I supposed to get anything done with some dopey prince following me around like a puppy?" I lean on the doorpost and sag in my dress. "I bet they will all be positively boring and ugly and have no manners at all, and be more interested in my title and jousts and battles than me." I glance up at Ringo as he nuzzles my hair. "I will never be free. Never, at all."

I hear a faint chuckle. A young stable boy crosses his arms and lends them on the stall door not a foot from my head. I stand and lay my eyes on him assessing him from head to toe. I find an immediate attraction for his sandy blond hair, chiseled features, high cheekbones, soft brown eyes and a broad chest that are very handsome and sore on my eyes.

"I don't think a prince would treat you how you fear," he says. He drops his chin into his hands and stares at me. He just looks and continues to look until I begin to feel self-conscious. I grab my sword and rest my hand menacingly on the hilt.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, sweeping my bangs from my face.

"Princess, please, I mean no harm. I am only answering your comments. You see, I work here. The horses, hay, and dirt are my life," He back up a few steps and spreads his arms, giving me a few feet of breathing room. I swing open the stall door and step out. The boy is a bit taller than yours truly who is fairly tall herself. His clothes are dirty and those of the working class. I see that he is unarmed and release my hold seeing that it would be an unfair fight.

"What they say is true. You are very trigger happy, Princess Samantha," He smiles.


"Same thing."

I roll my eyes. "If you work here, how come I have never seen you before? I am here every day."

"No reason for you to notice me," He answers, cocking his head gently.

I blow out an exasperated breath. I return inside the stall and continue Ringo's grooming, thoroughly done with this boy.

"He's a beaut," the boy says softly.

I turn rapidly, almost spooking Ringo. "What's your name?" I ask.

"Mine?" he asks pointing to his broad, muscular chest.

"Who else would I have been talking to?"

"Ringo." He answers matter-of-factly.

"You know my horse's name."

He counts off on his hand. "I work here. You said it earlier. It is on his tack bucket. I spoke to your sister about it for a long time."

"Claire! You have been speaking to her?"

"No, Leigh Anne, the baby," he huffs sarcastically.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I answered many of your questions, Princess."

"The original one," I growl. This was so annoying. How can people who act like this get hired in the first place?"

"My name is Nathaniel. You may call me Nate but alas, I prefer Nathan if you must call me something. Most around here call me 'Hey, you boy!'. And so I got used to it-"

"Okay, Nathan. I am about to go," I open the stall and begin to walk down the hall with the grooming bucket, "to the Hire and tell him to let you off."

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