Chapter 7

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My disposition was regained throughout that day. With the help of Nathan and Hayden, I kept it forever more. Or so I thought.

Until something went terribly wrong. This is the third thing that went wrong in my life.

Two months have passed, bringing us up to the brink of winter, meaning that it is almost my birthday. I have avoided Mother as much as I can when I live in the same castle as her, fearing that when my eyes met hers she will make me marry one of her dreadful, mysterious, cowardly suitors. She has been planning a party in my honor and, like a fairy tale, she has invited every eligible young bachelor. Even though we are in a remote area and I am neither the prettiest nor most talented princess, princes have come from all over the world. Some kings have come to win my hand which makes Jale an attraction to eligible princesses as well. I mostly spend my time hidden in breeches and under caps. Mother ordered that I come to dinner, but she never said how!

It sickens me to meet the eyes of any of these men. Some are here because if Hayden were to suddenly disappear from the picture, they could claim the throne as my husband. These power-hungry men are plotting to murder my brother before they have even met me. It is enough to rile my stomach.

Days pass, and with all the new arrivals, sickness has also come in new and foreign ways. So while some parties cough in bed, Hayden makes rounds to homes of the villagers, giving them much needed medication to fight against the disease. He won't let me come, or Mother, his excuse always being the baby. In a week, many, if not half, the arrivals have left, scared off by the spreading virus. Some have healed or seem immune, but most are bed-ridden. I just wish Mother would call off the celebration so these poor people would go home.

It was early in the morning and I was helping a maid catch up on some washing when Eddie stormed in. He was madly out of breath and the maid screamed when she saw him doubled over and gasping for breath.

"Amthie..." he pants. "Hayden...he...he's...whoo...he's...not..."

"He's not what?" I demand, standing and gripping his shoulder. "Breath, Eddie."

My younger brother nods and gulps in air. "Hayden is..."

"I'll bear the bad news," Nathan interjects, bursting forth from the doorway. "Who knows what Amthie will do to you if you tell her." He grins grimly, nodding at Eddie.

"What happened to Hayden?" I yell at Nathan, clenching my fists at my side.

"Amthie, you know how Hayden has been a little slower and a little redder than usual?" Nathan storylines.

"Get to the point!" I bark, finally scaring the maid out of the room. The wash sits abandoned behind me.

"Hayden caught it. He hid it so well that it has developed and is really bad now. He's running a very high fever, red in the face, scratched throat, cramps, passing out suddenly, major sweating..."

Nathan's list continues but I am already on my way.

"Amantha!" Nathan grabs my shoulder. "You can't go see him! You will catch it."

I glare at him. "They can't keep me away from my brother. They have shots of medication to prevent it."

Concern etches Nathan's charming face. "They don't always work. Don't you think they gave one to Hayden? They fail, often." He shakes his head. "Anyhow, they only give it to men."

"Then I will dress like you and you will not tell a soul or I will have you executed," I remember to breathe and calm down. "Nathan, I have to see my brother." I start out of the room only to have Nathan catch me again.

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