Chapter Three🕷Fractured Hold

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense for Thanos to act like he knew her."

Tony looked at Lucas curiously, "You work for me don't you? You're one of the SHIELD transfers. Wow, surprised I did put two and two together. I did my best with her, you guys did better. Out there she was-"

"Tony maybe you shouldn't-"

Tony, at an all-time high with frustration and all-time low for stability, spoke up, "You know, I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming."

"Tony I'm gonna need you to focus," Steve prompted, making Tony even angrier.

"And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late, buddy. Sorry," Tony smacked his bowl of food away from himself, "You know what I need? I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling-" Tony stood up abruptly, ripping out his IV, ignoring the protests of Rhodey and Peter.

"Mr. Stark you probably shouldn't..."

"Tony, Tony, Tony..."

"That what we needed was a suit of armor around the world. Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms, or not. That's what we needed."

"Well, that didn't work out, did it?" Steve asked in a calm voice, trying not to rile Tony up any more.

"I said we'd lose. You said, 'We'll do that together, too.' Well guess what, Cap? We lost."

"Mr. Stark maybe you should sit down," Peter suggested carefully, taking the same approach as Steve. He didn't want to tick Tony off more.

"Adult talk Peter," Tony waved his hand dismissively, eyes never leaving Steve's, "You weren't there. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the Avengers? We're the Avengers? Not the Prevengers?"

Rhodey grabbed Tony's arms, trying to put him back in his seat, "Okay. You made your point. Just sit down, okay?"

Tony writhed in Rhodey's grasp, "No, no. Here's my- She's great, by the way," Tony pointed at Carol, speaking over Rhodey.

"Tony, sit, sit down!"

"We need you. You're new blood. Bunch of tired old mills, plus Peter," Tony finally jerked away, strolling towards Steve, "I got nothing for you, Cap. I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust, you liar..."

Tony ripped his arc reactor off his chest, slapping it into Steve's hand, "Here, take this. You find him and you put that on," Tony stumbled, nearly falling over, "You hide."


"I'm fine. I-" Tony fell unconscious to the floor.

Clara knelt down next to Tony, checking his pulse as Rhodey flipped his body over, "He's okay, just an idiot for taking his IV out so early. He needs rest, and a new IV."

Bruce, frozen a half crouching position, stared at Clara in shock. She noticed, raising her brows and shaking Bruce out of his state.

"Sorry, it's just that usually I'm the doctor here. Kind of weird."

Clara hooked her arms under Tony's shoulders, "I'm a nurse. I work at the hospital Stephen Strange used to. I'm used to stuff like this. Now help me get him into a bed and I'll take care of him."

"That's my wife," Lucas whispered to no one in particular, as if the room didn't already know, "This would be an interesting story to tell (Y-"

Lucas cut himself off, the name hanging unsaid in the air. The room was plunged into a somber silence, the slip a reminder of their dire situation. Even Clara and Rhodey paused in their efforts to move Tony. Clearing his throat, Lucas left the room. No one moved to stop him. Clara had thrown herself into work to cope, Lucas was trudging through his emotions.

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