◇□ Chapter Eleven □◇

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"Do you have what I asked for?" Questioned a voice from the shadows. The young woman turned around with a smirk. She slipped her hand into her purse pulling out a small hard drive.

"Why of course." She hummed. The figure stepped into the light, to reveal her identity as Talia Al Goul.

"Good. Were there any complications?" She asked examining the peice, then handing it to the man behind her over her shoulder.

"Well, one of your sons had their suspicions that I stole it from him. Of course he was right, but he didn't get very far." She shrugged.

"Which one?"

"The bigger one, with white hair." She replied.

"Good. He's the dumb one, so it doesn't really matter." Talia circled around the young girl. "You did good. I'm proud. I can't have them figuring out our work, or the fact Dr. Seiberlich has created a cure."

"What's so bad about that?" The girl wondered aloud.

"Because, if my sons were to use the cure, they would become utterly useless, and my father still needs an heir." She snapped her fingers. The man behind her took out his gun from its holster, pointing it at the girl in front of them. Her eyes widened, she took a frightening step back, her hands and knees shaking. "I hope you understand, we can't bare to have lose ends." Talia exclaimed.


The shot echoed through the warehouse along with the sound of her body hitting the ground. Talia stared down at her, her expression blank and emotionless.

"What a shame, she was a clever girl." She straightened up again, "But not clever enough. Come on, we have work to do." She stepped over her body, leaving her to be alone until some unfortunate soul discovered her remains. The huge man behind her followed with a grunt.


Recognized: Red Hood 02

The red head Wally West, rolled his eyes in annoyance. He always thought Conner was the ultimate hot head, but now he has some competition. He turned around expecting to see Jason and his permanent glare and Dick standing happily beside him, but that's not what he saw at all. Jason was red in the face, his eyes were watering, and he was alone. He had a duffel bag on his shoulder, that he clenched tightly. Wally quickly hit Artemis who was sitting beside him, without taking his eyes off Jason.

"Ow! What do you want?" She asked angrily.

"Look." He pointed towards Jason as he walked towards the rooms in the compound. "Is he staying here?" Wally asked. "Why is he alone? Do you think something happened?"

"How am I supposed to know?" She hit him over the head. "Just go and ask him. I'm sure he needs another guy to talk to right now, one that can actually reply at the least." Artemis went back to her magazine after she pushed Wally off the couch, and motioned for him to go. She rolled her eyes flipping the pages.

Wally rehearsed what he was about to say in his head as he approached Jason's room. He wiped his hands on his pants, trying his best to get rid of the sweat. He released a breath as he quickly knocked on the door. He waited for a silent moment. Until he knocked again. "Hey, Jason its Wally, dude are you alright? When you came in, you seemed pretty upset. Look, if you need to talk to anyone I'm here." He waited to hear a respond, or maybe a shift in the bed, but he didn't hear anything. It was a lie if he didn't say he was worried. He contemplated rather ot not he should just go in. He didn't know Jason very well, or Dick, or his family, but he seemed like he needed help. Or just someone to talk too.

Before he realized it he was turning the knob. The room was dark, but Wally could see Jason's figure sitting on the floor, at the end of his bed. His knees pulled into his chest, his arms wrapped around them tightly. He didn't bother to lift his head up. He spoke disturbing the silence, his voice muffled by his arms.

"When the door is closed, it means don't come in." Jason snarled.

"I'm sorry. Its just, you seemed pretty upset. Wha- whoa what happen to your eye?!" Wally asked getting closer. Jason pushed him away, Wally fell to his butt. He crossed his legs, and patients waited for Jason to tell him what happened. It was silent. After a few minutes, Jason really thought Wally had left. Until he looked up from his folded arms to see two big green eyes staring at him.

"What are you still doing here? Leave." Jason said trying to sound stren but there was a hint of surprise that Wally couldn't ignore.

"No, not until you tell me what happened. Why are you here? Where's Dick? What happened to your eye? Jason. You are on this team like it or not, and that makes us family. And family tell each other everything." The only thing Jason could focus on was the fact Wally had placed his hand on his shoulder. His eyes never left, until Wally awkwardly coughed and removed his hand slowly. "Look, what I'm trying to say is. Just tell me what's going on. It won't ever leave this room. I swear." Wally crossed his heart, raising his right hand. He gave Jason a hopeful look, who eventually sighed.

His head and shoulders fell as he gave up. The walls he had spent his entire life building had crumbled to the ground and his life story came flowling through. Wally sat and listened, attentively, he caught every word. Every peice of emotion Jason showed. He didn't interrupt or judge, he just listened, and honestly Jason couldn't ask for anything more. He shared him the story from just a couple hours ago, how terribly his night had gone. First with Dick, then the burning building, almost being murdered by a psychopath. And losing the only thing that gave him any evidence of his mother being involved was stolen from him, added greatly with the mix. And how he ended his night with a bang as he beat the life out of his little brother. Jason finished, not really sure how Wally was going to react. Jason thought he would have just gotten up and walked away half way through, but he didn't he stayed. For some unknown reason he actually stayed.

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