chapter 1, under pressure

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"Emma please please please, please? Mom won't let me go when I can't find anyone to come with and Stacy is sick and Audrey too, that's why she canceled on me!" My little sister, Ava, won't stop bugging me about this concert she wants to go to. She has been utterly obsessed with Shawn Mendes for over a year now and it's getting annoying.

" I told you already, I'm going out Friday with Olivia so find other friends Ava. I'm not going with you," I tell her. "I swear Emma if you go with me I'll pay your ticket and your food for the rest of the month. I have to meet Shawn, this is my only chance! I'm desperate, can't you see? You can go out with Olivia whenever you want!" "Ava for the last time: I. Am. Not. Coming. Besides he is super overrated, find another favorite artist." She replies with a "How dare you" and then goes off to her room.

Later that night when we are having dinner Ava tells our mom she doesn't have anyone to go with to the Shawn Mendes concert. "Sweetie Emma can go with you, she can even drive you there!" I can't believe she said that. "Mom I don't want to, he is so stupid, everyone is obsessed with him and I don't need a night with screaming 13-year-olds when I can just go out with friends." "I'm not 13, I'm 14 asshole," Ava replies mad. "Language young lady. And Emma you are going with Ava. Otherwise, I'll ground you for a month." "But my birthday is in 2 weeks! You can't do that mom!" She replies with: "I'm your mom. I can do whatever I want. You're going with Ava to that concert. End of discussion."

As soon as I'm done with dinner I pick up my phone to tell Olivia I have to cancel our plans for Friday. I feel so bad canceling because we planned this a few weeks ago and it really was a big deal for Olivia since it would be the first time for her she could actually get drunk because her parents were out of town. "Hey Liv, uhm I kinda have some bad news, are you prepared?" "Oh no, Emma, no. You are not going to tell me you can't come Friday, I won't let you say it." "My mom made me, I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something about it I swear but my mom is making me go to this stupid concert with my sister." "Uhg it sucks you're not there. We will go out another time then, but we should do it fast! But have fun, send me a video, kay?" "Sure I'll do that, well I hope you find someone to go with Friday and once again I'm so sorry I had to cancel last minute." "It's okay Em really, I'll find someone. Kisses" "Bye Liv, see you tomorrow."

I didn't even know who this Shawn Mendes guy was, so I decided to listen to some of his music. I click on the first song I see. It's called "Life Of The Party". It's a pretty sad song and even though I don't want to admit it, the guy has a good voice. It is not really my type of music so I decide to see if he has other types of songs. "Youth" comes on and I really like the guitar and vocals it starts with. It also has a good beat in the chorus and I actually like this song. I would never admit it to Ava because she would forever haunt me with it.


This is the first chapter. I know it isn't that long but some of the following chapters will be longer. I'm going to publish the next chapter very soon! Could you leave your opinion in the comments? Thanks! xx

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