In Oblivion

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This is quite unforeseen

oblivion’s slowly engulfing me

I can’t stop it, its nature’s keen 

and it seems I am just letting it be.

I am feeling weightless now
I can’t see anything but darkness.
I was fine just a moment yet, how?
how did I have this, ‘emptiness’?

And right now, I don’t feel seeing anyone

I don’t even want to leave this place

but in the deepest of me, I need someone

Someone will save me and leave here with no trace.

I knew that deep inside of me
there is ‘that’ someone specifically
yet – I can’t remember anymore of any
and now I’m all alone - blank, hollow and empty.

I fight the strong force of nothingness

but the more I oppose, the more it becomes a poison

I suppose there’s nothing to do but accept this

I am now one with the silence and dark space, in oblivion.

Love For PoetryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora