batman adopts, chaos begins

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Batman: souffle god/hellothere


it was a calm windy night in gotham city, lily walks to her abandon appartment in the criminal side of gotham, she was carrying wrapped meat and white cloth to fix her suit. A group of thugs surround lily asking for money pointing gun at her.

Lily felt afraid:"i dont have any"
One of the thugs grabs her arm but quickly lets go of it holding his now numb cold hand:"ah!! What the heck!?? Get her"
Lily runs through the alleyways
'I have to lose them somehow' she thought as she fix her jacket on her, her clothes a bit dirty from dust and dirt of her appartment.

Batman stood at the edge of a tall building, shrouded in darkness, the only outline of his body in the night being the bright moonlight with bounced off his cape like the thin, silver chain of a necklace. 

From somewhere below him in a dark alleyway, he heard a struggle taking place. He listened for a moment to confirm the location before taking action. Swiftly, he hooked his grapple on the edge of the neighboring building and swung himself down, his cape flying freely behind him. He landed silently at the only entrance--and only exit--to the alleyway, standing tall and menacingly over the assailants. 

He didn't speak to grad their attention, instead quickly throwing a batarang in their direction, aiming just above the largest assailant's shoulder, only intending to graze it enough to gain his attention.

The thugs stopped and moved out of the way when the batarang almost hit him, they looked at batman:"move now bats that one has to pay us...."
Lily hides behind a dumpster while looking for an exit

Batman slowly moved toward the man, allowing his cape to envelope him so as to further shroud himself in darkness, hoping to disorientate the threatening presence in front of him. "I wouldn't bet on getting payed after harassing an innocent girl on the streets. Either you leave now, or this gets personal."

The four thugs:"we aint leaving........"
lily stays hidden behind the dumpster and went into the other alleyways looking for a way out

Batman made his first move, grabbing the first thug by his shirt collar and pushing his fingers into his palm, making a tight ball of a fist. He pulled his arm back and threw a strong punch to the man's cheek.

the first thug was punched and the other thugs attacked
lily gets out of the alleyway through an exit of an open window and going out the front door, she was now back on the street she was originally walking through

Batman kicked the thug coming up behind him, and jabbed another one sharply in the face with his elbow. He grabbed another one and landed a punch squarely on their jaw. He then took the one he originally punched again by the collar an threw in two more punches. As they were distracted, Batman leapt onto a nearby trash can, nursing a cut on his right shoulder before tackling one of the thugs.

'two of the thugs were knocked out the remaining two attacked
lily walks through the street closer to her appartment

Batman turned swiftly, relieved to see that his job was almost over, but not being mentally focused on it for long. He delivered another swift punch to one of the two, and to the other he landed a strong kick to the solar plexus, putting him out for the time being. He used the back of his glove to wipe away the blood that leaked from his bleeding mouth.

two remaining were knocked out
lily walk faster her appartment only a few steps away

Batman worked quickly, tying the quartet of gang-members up before notifying Commissioner Gordon. He stood in the alleyway until he heard police sirens and then he pulled himself up using hi grappling hook. 

He watched from afar, making sure that the four assailants were properly cuffed and placed into a police vehicle. He watched the car drive away, watching until he could no longer see the red-and-blue lights bouncing off the buildings as they passed. 

He then took the notion that he should visit the victim of the assault to make sure she hadn't obtained any injuries, despite needing to tend to some of his own.

lily sit on steps of her abandon old appartment, her clothes were a bit old she calm herself down and unlock the door

Batman spotted the girl hurrying away. He leapt toward her, landing in front of her before she could enter.
"I'd like to know what a girl like you is doing wandering around the roughest areas of Gotham city, and at this late at night." he said in a stern manner. He gave her a quick look-over, making sure she hadn't sustained any major injuries. 

When he was satisfied that she had none, he began talking again. "Commissioner Gordon will want to take your statement. You've had a rough night, so I can talk to him about dispatching an officer to come here tomorrow and ask a few questions. He'll be glad to know you weren't seriously hurt."

 Batman stepped aside from the apartment entrance before looking at the overall state of the building itself. It was in shambles from what he could see in the dark; the upper windows were smashed in, the cracks in the glass shining in the moonlight like dew-dampened spider webs; some of the wall insulation was showing through the wooden walls, of which were broken and splintered; the paint on what was left of the walls was blackened and peeling, mold and algae invading every inch of the house. He turned and looked at the girl in concern.
"Is this where you live?"

lily back up afraid:"i was just walking home with some supplies i needed" she was still holding the wrapped meat and cloth she needed
when she heard comissioner she knew it might not end well.......
lily:"i will awnser their questions"
when batman asked if she lived here, it scared her, if she awnsered yes he would get suspicious unless she lies and says that she lives with a friend who has gone on a trip and wont be back till next week.
lily says with fear and shyness:"yes but i live here with my friend jean........she left me in charge of the place until she gets back next monday"

Batman watched her closely. She was smart; her body language didn't show much in the ways of lying, however her eyes revealed the truth. He squinted his eyes slightly, giving her a look of confusion and suspicion. 

"I know you're lying. You won't be in trouble for telling the truth, I promise."

lily:"i dont trust anyone........." she felt her fear rise a bit
crystal lily wolf side, in lily mind speak to her:'dont trust him........they will take us back to him or take us away.....'

Batman didn't answer. This girl reminded him of someone he knew very well...
"I don't either, but it's clear you need somewhere better to sleep than this shabby building. Do you have parents?"
Lily:"........i rather stay here"
"No," Batman said, in a firm yet gentle voice. 

"You can't live in these conditions, it's impossible. What's your name, kid?"

Lily:"i survived a week in the forest, i can probably survive ...lily"
She then notice two black vans patroling the streets and goes inside quick closing the door

*still working on this*

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