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When Jean went to sleep , she was in a nightmare chained to a wall

The dark angel hits her with a chain

Jean screams in pain

The leader watches

*meanwhiles outside the nightmare Alfred came to jeans room to clean, after he finish cleaning he noticed her wounds and patches them up

Jean kept getting new wounds 

Alfred kept patching them up

Jean mutters in her sleep :"no please stop this" 

Alfred listens 

Jean mutters :"stop remind me of how I died"

Alfred patches up the other wounds

Jean mutters :"no I won't bring batman to u"

This caught Alfred's attention as he was cleaning the wounds

Jean mutters :"no don't use the electric chain, that will kill me"

Alfred was now worried and tried to wake her up

Jean wouldn't wake

Alfred shakes her

Jean wakes up crying 

Alfred hugs her 

Jean hugs back

Alfred:"you were having a nightmare and getting hurt in real life"


Alfred  checks her back and cleans the wounds

Jean:"thank you"

Alfred:"your welcome miss"

Jean then lays back down and falls asleep

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