Chapter 1: how they meet

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Jean was walking down an alleyway but then was surrounded by criminals

Jean:"someone help me please"

Bruce was walking down the street until he hears her and walks over

Criminals:"we'll if it isn't mr. Wayne how you gonna protect her"

Bruce:"lower your weapons" 

Criminals:"what if we don't "

Bruce smirks "your choice" he throws a detangled net at the criminals and they are stuck

Criminals try to get out

Jean was scared

Bruce looks at jean "come on follow me"

Jean follows Bruce to his manor 

Bruce:"hungry or thirsty "

?: *was watching them and spreads her dark wings*

Jean:" water please"

Bruce leaves to get her water

?:*appears beside jean* you betrayed us jean

Jean:"what else could I have done to get you to not attack"

?:"you will pay for this jean, meet me on the rooftop and we will see who lives" she disappears

Bruce comes back with water

Jean was looking at the pictures when he handed her the water 

Jean:"thanks" she drinks some

Bruce:"your welcome"


Bruce:"what is it"

Jean:"I need to did a place to stay the night "

Bruce:"you can sleep here"


Alfred takes her to a room

Jean walks in and looks around before laying on the bed and falling asleep

Alfred leaves the room

Bruce watches TV

The batsignal appears

Jean wakes up and uses her bracelet to transform into midnight before opening the window and flying towards Gotham 

Bruce changes to batman 

The women were kidnapping people

Batman stops near them "hey!"

Jean fights ? And won

The women attack batman and the kept following him to the rooftops

Batman:"how did they ?" He tries to get away

The women had black angel wings

Midnight lands near the women and fight them

The women fight them

Midnight uses her angelic daggers to turn them into dust but cutting them

Batman helps her

After the women were defeated, batman looks at midnight

Batman :"who are you?"

Midnight disguise voice "I am midnight"

Batman:"thanks" he heads back to the manor and changes back to Bruce

Midnight flies in and changes back to jean before laying down

Bruce checks on her

Jean sleeps

Bruce smiles and then heads to bed 

~end of chapter~

Batman x reader oc storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora