Chapter 1

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Love, Patton had learned, could be a poison.

Unrequited love was the most common; simply loving the wrong person and receiving nothing but pain and rejection. Throughout Thomas's life, Patton had dealt with the agony of not being loved back. It had happened too often, had scarred something in him, in Thomas. There was a wariness buried in them now, a fear that maybe they would have their feelings returned.

Love itself was poison, because love was not eternal.

Thomas's latest breakup had simply strengthened Patton's knowledge that nothing really lasted. He and Thomas had loved this one deeply, wholly, and now they were both hurting. Thomas was hurting, and Patton could offer nothing but his own shattered feelings.

"Patton?" Virgil's voice was quiet, and his touch was gentle as he put a hand on Patton's shoulder. "You okay?" A redundant question; Virgil knew. Virgil knew and had ventured into Patton's room anyway.

Patton didn't even bother faking a smile. "I miss him," he said, feeling tired. His chest hurt. He couldn't be happy today. 

"I know." Virgil settled beside him on the large bed, letting out a soft breath. Patton leaned into his warmth, defeated. They both sat for a moment, saying nothing. Virgil said tentatively, "I'm proud of you for not ignoring this. It's okay to miss him. Heck, I miss him too. I bet Roman misses him. Thomas always misses him."

Patton just closed his eyes and sighed deeply, relaxing against his friend. Virgil's words were sweet, but Patton's hurt was rooted deep within his chest. It would take time to truly move on. Sure, they'd talked it through in the video, but nostalgia and heartbreak struck randomly, and Patton didn't have the mental energy to deal with them. 

"I'm tired," he said, huffing slightly in amusement as Virgil snorted.

"As the king of tired, I name you heir to the throne of insomnia." Virgil's voice was coloured with humour, but Patton could hear the veiled worry. The anxious side nudged Patton slightly. "Seriously though, Pat, you should get some sleep. You look exhausted."

"I can't really sleep," he admitted. "I don't know why."

"I think I do," Virgil said, and though Patton waited, the anxious side didn't elaborate after that.

"Thanks for checking in on me Virgil."

Virgil gave him a shaky smile, full of silent understanding, and Patton closed his eyes. Virgil shifted. "You gonna go to sleep right now?"

Patton shook his head, eyes still closed. He just wanted to stay like this, with someone supporting his heavy, heavy head. He could feel Virgil's shoulders move with each breath the anxious side took. It was soothing. Virgil was soothing. Patton was so tired...

"Can we watch a movie?" He asked Virgil quietly. "All of us. Something Disney. In Roman's room."

Virgil nodded, grabbed his hand, and they disappeared with a soft pop.


It took very little effort to convince Logan and Roman to join them, and Virgil wondered if it was because they were all missing him today. It made sense; if Patton was missing him, then Thomas would be missing him, so then they would all be missing him because they were a part of Thomas.

"I'll be there shortly," Logan said when Virgil approached him about it. "Has Patton suggested, ah, different attire?"

"No?" Virgil frowned as Logan smiles slightly. (It was still kinda strange to see Logan smiling) "Should he have?"

Logan waved a hand, and for once, Virgil didn't feel the sting of dismissal. "Mention it to him, he should no what I mean."

Virgil nodded, still confused, and Logan shut his door. Considering Roman hadn't been in his room when they'd appeared, he could be almost anywhere. Virgil considered just leaving him, he'd feel that people were messing about in his room anyway, but then decided against it. They all knew Roman was still insecure, who knew what the results would be if they excluded him like that. 

"Prince Charming!" He called, stepping inside the studio. "Yo, Captain Daydream, you in here?"

"Why are you shouting into an empty room?" Roman asked from behind him, and Virgil whirled around with wide eyes. "Virgil?"

Virgil swatted him. "You scared me!" He hissed. 

Roman sniggered slightly. "Sorry," he said unapologetically. Virgil didn't feel the sting of humiliation either. They'd all moved past hurting each other. "You made it so easy, just standing there shouting. Why're you looking for me?"

Virgil took a few deep breaths to calm his racing heart, and then said, "Patton's requested a movie night in your room, with all of us."

Roman's mouth tightened into a thin line. "I've got work to do," he said in a pained voice. "Really, I'd love to, but there's some ideas I've got to implement before tomorrow if I'm to follow Logan's schedule and-"

"Roman, it's one of those days for Patton." 

Roman's eyes softened, and his sighed. He offered Virgil a gentle smile. "Then of course." He grabbed Virgil's hand to move them, and all Virgil could think was that Roman smelled ever so slightly of chocolate.


Patton changed into his cat onesie as soon as Virgil returned with Roman in tow. Logan was coming, Patton had been assured, but he'd had a strange request...

"We should all wear onesies!" He said brightly, beaming at Virgil and Roman. "They're so soft and comfortable, and it's a movie night! They're practically a must!"

Roman changed immediately, donning a plain gold onesie with his red sash embroidered onto it. "I've had this in my closet for ages," the royal admitted with a grin. "Ever since I caught Logan wearing his unicorn one."

Virgil snorted. "Yeah right, Logan in a onesie? Likely story."

"Your lack of faith in me hurts, Virgil." Logan's voice was amused, and Patton giggled in delight at the unicorn onesie Logan was wearing. Virgil just gaped. "I'm prepared to sacrifice some of my dignity to make Patton happy, and they are rather comfortable."

Virgil made a squeaky sound. "You make jokes and you're wearing a onesie?" Virgil just sat heavily on the bed next to Patton. "My life is a lie."

All four of them laughed, including Logan, which was delightful! Already, some of Patton's sadness had slipped away. 

"What movie shall we begin with?" Roman asked, conjuring an large bowl of popcorn. 

"Tangled!" Patton and Virgil shouted at the same time, glancing at each other and laughing. 

"Tangled it is."


Chapter One!!! Updates are going to take some time, because I don't want to rush this story. Leave your thoughts in the comments guys!

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