Chapter 2: Jared and Junior

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   Jared and Junior were best buds. I shouldn't say "were" because they still are. The boys are like flies in a honey trap. They stick together and keep their mouth shut real good. I'm not saying they always do, though. Jared is a real loud guy who will talk a statue's ear off. Junior is kind of like a puppet to Jared. Cracking jokes every hour of the day, Junior is a big clown. He trips over his duct-taped sneakers that are too big for his feet, chokes on the surplus amount of food he puts in his mouth, and wears pants that are so long, he steps on them. Half of the time you can't even see that his shoes are so big because of his pants.
   Jared is a young Elvis Presley. He has the jet-black hair and small, brown, mysterious eyes. After work, he'll crank up the small jukebox and dance to the King of Rock. All the broads and good gals are after him, but he has his eye on the rich cheerleader who will never love him back. Maybe he likes the girls who are hard to get. Or the ones who can't be got.
   Jared and Junior are the highlight of the gang. No, no, not gang. We're no gang. We're family. But, the two boys are real smart and never show it. Junior is the biggest pessimist, but you'll just have to get to know him to realize how much of a loud, stomping prick he is.
   Now, Jared is the real name of Jared Frederick. His parents live in Oklahoma and tried to forget he was ever born. Jared was real ugly when he was younger. Real fat, too. Now that he's grown, he understands why his parents left him. But he's a real looker, now. Just like Junior. All the family is. 'Don't let them privileged punks get to ya, Jare-Bear,' we say, 'they are just scared of ya.'
   Now, Junior is not the real name of the fool named Gus. He got his name from droppin' out Junior year. The boy had a bad fight with a teach who exposed him 'bout his money. He decided to dropout and do side-jobs to support the fam.
   The two clowns are a good pair and make do of what they got. Junior is seventeen-one year younger than Jared. One boy without parents, and the other who ran away from his. Oh, did I forget to mention that? Poor ol' Junior ran from his own flesh and blood after dropping out. His Pops threatened to kill the boy if he every thought about such a thing. And to have gone through with doing so, Juniors was scared. The whole family is scared, but won't show it. We don't want to pile up negativity and drop it on eachother, so we shut up and deal with it.

It's what's kept us going for the past years. No shame there.

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