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I dragged the body bag through the narrow hallway and into Jabba's lair. I presented it before him, being cautious of the trap that led to the Rancor pit.

"Pay up Jabba. Full pay too for it on time." I snap, grabbing Jabba's attention.

"Snippy little one today, aren't we?" He said and I scoffed, then a crate was brought out. I opened it to make sure it was payed in full and then I closed it.

"Nice doing business. Com me if you have anything else for me." I say and I then leave the lair. As I walk down the long hall leading out the Hutt palace Boba enters.

Before I can fully pass him he grabs my wrist. "Let me go, Fett." I grumble

"We should talk." He says and I scoff, "If you mean talk with blasters and daggers I'm all for it rocket boy." I snarkily say and he lets go of my wrist.

"You be careful Y/L you're still talking to Boba Fett." He snaps back and I let out a sarcastic laugh, "I'm just as powerful as you. Don't you forget who brought half the Empire to save your sorry ass." I snap and he grunts. "Those other hunters would have killed you that night when we found Kodak without my help."

"I would have been just fine if you weren't in my way when I got his lightsaber fairly!" I say, our verbal fight getting progressively louder.

"Both of you need to leave! You're disturbing everyone else." One of Jabba's minions say and we both snap our heads towards the man. Then Jabba's gaurds walk towards us with their spears pointed towards us.

We both walk out still boiling with rage. "Look at what you did!" Boba yelled and I scoffed, "You grabbed me first bucket head!" I practically yelled.

Suddenly we were surrounded by a bunch of people, I instantly recognized them as the rebellion. "What the hell." I breathe out as I look around.

"Stand down! You are our captors now." One rebel says and I stand up straight. "What do we do?" Boba whispered. "Follow my lead." I whispered back. I held out my arms and Boba did as well.

They quickly took off our visible weapons. What regular people didn't know was the large amount of daggers I kept hidden around my body.

Just as one rebel was about to cuff me I slid a dagger out from under my sleeve. I then plunged it in the abdomen of the man and he made a loud groan and fell to his knees.

Blasters began to fire and I quickly spun around and stabbed the man about to cuff Boba in the back.

He then grabbed my waist and we lifted off from the ground, creating a large cloud of dirt and dust. He then used his thermal detector and launched mini rockets from his hand into the cloud of dust.

We then flew to the side of the cloud and landed. He let me go and we grabbed our blasters and grenades that were on the ground.

We began to run, I ran in the direction of my ship while a small speeder was further aways. "Boba! Get on my ship, they'll catch you on that garbage." I exclaim about his sand speeder. He groans and begins to follow me. I got on board my ship and started it up.

"Com into Vader, we need to let him know the rebellion is here." I say and Boba nods. We then lift off and head out of the atmosphere. Suddenly a single rebel transport comes out of lightspeed and I'm forced to move out of the way.

"We've got a problem!" I say as Vader appears on the dash com-link. "Rebels at Tattooine, they have a transport ship here as well." I say and Vader sighs.

"I am arriving in my Star Destroyer now." Then immediately I see the Star Destroyer. "Did you see Obi-Wan when he returned to Tattooine?" Vader asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"He returned?" I asked, avoiding blasts and Vader continued, "He used a Jedi mind trick on my soldires. He still resides on the planet." Vader said and I shook my head.

"No sir." I say and then Vader's com becomes fuzzy. "I am docking their transport. I will com to you again if I need something." He says and the transmission fades.

I watch as the Star Destroyer grips onto the transport. "Lets get out of this system." I say as I flip a few switches to jump to light speed."Drop me off at Cornellia." Boba said and I looked over at him.

"What for?" I ask and he shrugs. "I still have rebels to snuff out." He says blatantly. I nod and suddenly my ship's sirens are set off. "Blast, I need fuel. We're coming up on Courescant." I say as I pull a lever down to slow down from light speed.

"One of the worst places to get fueled up." Boba sighs and I shrug, "It was the closest planet." I add and he just sits back in his seat. I enter the atmosphere and land at the nearest fueling station.

"I'll be right back." I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt. I walk down the ramp and grab walk over to the fueling station. I put in the handle into the slot of my ship to fuel it up. I then slip in a few credits into the station to pay for the fuel. As I was twirling one of my daggers boredly between my fingers, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention.

A shadow seemed to run past behind the corner of a wall. I immediately stopped twirling the dagger between my fingers and I put it back in its holster. My curiosity got the better of me and I then began to walk to the wall where the shadow had disappeared behind.

I then see a small, being crouched down on the ground at the end of the narrow alleyway. The being then stood up, it was no bigger than half my height and it appeared to be a small child. He looked rugged and lean. "Are you lost?" I ask in a sweet voice as I kneel down to his height, not wanting to frighten the poor child.

He nods and he appears to be holding something. "Where are your parents?" I ask and he shrugs, his innocent eyes peer into mine. The child motions me over and I carefully approach the child and kneel down to his height once more.

"What's your name young one?" I ask as he holds his hands out to show me the item in his palms. He then opened his hand and I looked in to see a red sore that was attached to his skin. It then opened and under it lied an eyeball with a yellow iris with a very dilated pupil. "What the hel-"

Suddenly, the boy turned into a dark, black mist and suddenly a man, much taller than me appeared and I stood up and pulled out a dagger, specifically the one I was twirling between my fingers earlier.

I backed away and an old being I had never seen before grinned down at me. He reached for me and I swung at him, my knife hit him but it didn't cut him. In fact it went right through him, as if he were a ghost.

I panicked and began to run as he chased after me. As I turned the corner I collided with metal except I heard a grunt. I fell backwards and I shot open my eyes. It was Boba. I scurried to my feet.

"We need to get out of here." I say frantically as I was about to run Boba keeps his grip on me. "What's wrong?" He asks and I point to the alley way, expecting that odd creature to pop out from behind the wall at any moment. "Boba please, let's just go." I plea but he walks over to the wall and peers around it.

"Y/N is this some kind of joke?" He asks when he looks down the alleyway. I walk up behind him and peer over his shoulder. Nothing but a dumpster and garbage lie in the alleyway. "I-I swear there was something there." I say and he grabs onto my shoulders.

"We've both had a long day. Let's just get to Cornellia and you can drop me off and go rest alright?" Boba says and I let out an elongated sigh. "Okay." I say giving up on the situation. I walk back to my ship shamefully, I unhook the gas handle from my ship and put it back. I then walk up the ramp of my ship as Boba had already done.

I sit in my seat and start up my ship. I then lift it off from the ground and we fly out of Courescant's atmosphere. "What did you see?" Boba finally speaks up. "I don't want to talk about it." I say being stubborn as I prepared my ship for lightspeed, concentrating on the buttons I pressed and levers I pulled. Boba grunted in frustration as he leaned back in the passenger side. I then pulled the lever to jump into lightspeed.

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