Chapter Twenty Five - Linger

Start from the beginning

Again he jerked his foot against her gut, with the tip of his boot cruelly tunnelling into her wound. She felt as if she was being ripped in half, and wailed out her cries of agony, rolling onto her back with her hand cradled around her stomach. Tear droplets spilled across her face, trickling from her eyes that were sealed shut as she gritted her teeth and hissed through the gaps.

The man laughed as he gawked at her from above, scratching his chin and sniffling, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. With his tongue flicking across his lips, he swung one leg over Katerina, who was too slow to move by the time he crashed down onto her, pinning her down with his weight. His fist snatched her wrists, and jammed them in the floor as his head hovered above her face.

“You can try begging.” He hissed, curling his lip and revealing a wicked smile that was painted on his callous face.

“Fuck you!” Katerina spat, jerking her head uncomfortably and exhaling loudly as she sluggishly rocketed her body on the floor.

“I don’t like that!” The brute yapped, releasing his firm grasp on her wrists and instead throwing his hands for her neck, wrapping his fingers tightly around her flesh as he pushed her head into the ground. The blood flushed out from her cheeks, leaving behind an ailing colour that was white as paper. Katerina reached her arms above her head, frantically rummaging for something to grab onto as she chocked beneath the harsh grasp of the brute on top of her small shattering frame. “Beg!” he growled, jolting her head in his hands.

Before her eyes could roll to the back of her head a shrill deafening explosion erupted in the air, splitting the air in half and crackling in Katerina’s eardrums, creating a shrill ringing in her ear. As the man’s hand fell from her skin, a dreaded lump in her throat rapidly flushed up her neck, scorching her skin as it unnaturally crawled its away up to her tongue. Leaning her head forward and spinning onto her stomach, Katerina spurted out a clump of dry coughs that were making her wheeze and slitting her throat, like how one would feel after indulging on too much spicy food that sent your tongue ablaze. Blood from her stomach trickled onto the floor as her back arched into the air. She gaged and panted, as the long dry coughs continued to erupt from her mouth. Still coughing silently, with her fingertips stroking her neck which now bore red claw marks, she craned her neck where white light sprang into the room. Standing beside the door, with smoke dispersing from the mouth of his gun, was him…

Tears welled in Katerina’s eyes and her lips trembled as she glared at him. No longer could she feel the pain. No longer did fear overwhelm her like a poison. He was exactly how she last saw him. How she pictured him in her perplexed mind. Though now he was heroic. If only he came sooner… she didn’t mind.

Vaas gritted his teeth in awe, chucking his pistol to the floor with the flick of his hand and stamping his boot into the ground, slowly pushing the door shut with the tip of his finger. The creak of the door rattled in the room, and the chiming and hammering of the gun skipping across the ground made the room quake. The pirate lord swung his foot into the air, stuffed his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants, and trotted over to the man who stumbled to his knees, clutching onto his bleeding shoulder; grunting in pain. Vaas moved like a sadistic animal, riddled with insanity and thirst. The sway of his movements, the caper in his step and the growing blaze in his blank frozen eyes were all the steps of a merciless predator toying with its prey, looking at its prey in the eye, lip curling into a sinful smile with venom dripping from its razor fangs. When Vaas reached him, crouching to his level with his fists grazing the floor, the man did not move, nor did he breathe.

He studied him for a moment, glaring at the frozen brute in the eye, with his eyes scanning to the bleeding bite-mark in his jaw. A chuckle sprung from Vaas lips, with his mouth stretching to a grin that exposed his gleaming teeth, as he swung his head to Katerina, who lay glaring at him on the floor. Looking at her changed his mood completely. He glared back at her, his face falling to a frown with a lump slowly slipping down his throat when he swallowed. Katerina pushed on her hand, trying to get up but her body quaked and she fell to her waist with a grunt and slap of her arm.

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