Ch 3: It's An Errplane!

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I check my phone impatiently, waiting until the people call us to board the plane. Kennnedy sits next to me, typing on her phone. I scan the room, looking for the other girls. Kadence is talking to a girl who looks to be about twenty-something and is holding a baby, and the other girls are sitting a cross from us. The flight attendant announces that its time to board. We show them our boarding passes, and board the plane. We settle into our seats, and wait until takeoff. I dutifully watch the extremely boring and out of date safety video, then double-check my seat belt. the plane takes off down the runway, and I get a feeling of excitement as we soar into the air. "This is the best part of the flight," I tell Kendall, who's sitting next to me. "No," she replies, "the best part is getting off, 'cause that means we survived an eight and a half hour flight with Kadence." I laugh. We're supposed to land in London at about 7:30 in the morning. I take a sleeping pill and close my eyes.

7 hours later...

I wake up to the sound of whatever in-flight movie is playing. Kadence is watching Pretty Little Liars on her laptop, and the other girls are all passed out. I pull out my own laptop and pull up Netflix. I start Beautiful Creature and slip my headphones on. Halfway through my movie, Kendal pulls my earphones off. "We're about to land. You gotta turn that off." she says. I turn my laptop off and slide it back into my backpack. The plane starts to descend and a nervousness rises in my stomach.

Kadence's cousins, Nathan and Mariah, are supposed to meet us at the airport. We walk into the airport and stretch our legs. We maneuver ourselves through t he airport. When we emerge at baggage claim, I hear a squeal, and see a really pretty girl walking towards us. She has strawberry blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her outfit is trendy, and she has a British accent when she speaks.

"Ello, I'm Mariah and this idiot is Nathan," she says pointing to the boy behind her. He's got Brown hair and bright blue eyes. "We've already retrieved your car," Nathan says, "You girls will follow us to Uncle Matt's house." Matt is Kadence's dad. "Mariah, I thought you were Irish? How come you have a British accent?" Carly asks. "Her mom is from England, so when my uncle married her mom, they moved to England." Kadence says. "I grew up in England," Mariah explains. "What about Nathan?" I ask. "He's my dad's older brother's kid." Kadence says. "My dad married an Irish woman. We moved to England two years ago." he explains. I nod.

We grab our suit cases and follow Mariah outside, she walks to a car. "This is the car you'll be using while you're in England," she says. We shove our suitcases into the trunk and climb in. "I'm driving." Carly announces we pull out and follow Nathan's car. We drive until we come to a stop in front of an expensive looking house. Kadence beams. "Seven bedrooms, nine baths, an indoor and outdoor pool, an in-home theater room, and access to my dad's credit cards." We all gawk. She leads the way into the house, dragging her suitcase behind her she shows us to each of our rooms, then goes down stairs to say goodbye to Nathan and Mariah.

I start to unpack, starting with the stuff we shipped ahead. A few hours later, and I've completely set up my room. When her dad bought the house for her seventeenth birthday, we all got to design our own rooms, so everything was already perfect. I lay down on my bed, a wave of exhaustion rolling over me, I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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