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* Leander High School Cafeteria, B Lunch, November 24, 2009, Leander, Texas*

The air buzzed with excitement as a group of sophomore girls made their way around the cafeteria, spreading the latest piece of juicy gossip. Everyone, from seniors to freshman, was buzzing about this. If rumors were to be believed, something epic was about to happen.

The masterminds behind the event were the only two girls that were actually crazy enough to go through with something like this. Kadence Thomas, a sassy Italian-Irish girl that was Katy Perry skinny with J-Lo curves, and her best friend, Kendall Jamison, a tall, beautiful girl that had the figure of Karolina Kurkova. Both girls were devilishly mischievous, pulling pranks on anyone that got on their bad sides.

The two troublemakers were often found in the principal's office. Unfortunately for the pair, the principal was also Kadence's grandfather. Mr. Pardo was especially harsh in his punishments when his granddaughter was concerned. He was a short, stocky Italian man that was almost always angry. That never stopped Kadence though, the young girl always spoke her mind.

The two girls snuck into the cafeteria, somehow unnoticed. They quickly retrieved their trays, going over the plan in their heads for what seemed like the zillionth time. Kadence would deliver the diversion while Kendall carried out the rest of the plan.

All eyes were on her as Kadence stood up. She walked into the middle of the cafeteria, she climbed onto the uneven surface of the table, kicking someone's tray off of the tableware as she turned to face the people.

She opened her mouth as if to begin a speech, but instead screamed "Think fast!" she hurled an object, the apple a blur of red. She nailed Aaron Samuels in the forehead. He stood up about to scream some profanity at her but was hit in the back of the head with another apple. Kendall erupted into laughter.

"Hey Aaron!" Kadence yelled, laughing. Aaron glowered. "Guess what! I hate you!" she said cheerily. "Now that that announcement's been made, FOOD FIGHT!" She screamed the last part as a fistful of cafeteria mush flew through the air.

The sour milk smelling mush landed in the curly hair of Carly Greene. The aggravated girl screamed and stood up, flinging mush out of her hair. In return, she flung a handful of limp spaghetti noodles across the room.

The stringy noodles slid down the shirt of Kaylyn Steinbeck. "Eww! My boobs!!!" she screeched. As she flung the spaghetti off of her shirt, she tipped over her soda can, spilling it on Kennedy McCann.

Within a couple of minutes, food was flying everywhere. The cafeteria looked like a scene from a movie. Kadence and Kendall were surrounded by Kennedy, Carly, and Kaylyn. All of a sudden, a harsh, thickly accented voice cut through the commotion.

"Stop it!" It was the principle himself, Mr. Pardo. "Who started this?!!" He bellows, his face now red as a tomato. All fingers point to the five girls in the middle of the room. His eyes fill with sorrow as he sees his granddaughter in the midst of the commotion. "My office. Now." is all he says.

The five girls file into the office. As the door slammed behind them, Mr. Pardo started to glare at the girls from across the desk. "Of all things you've done Kadence Elizabeth, this has got to be the most outrageous, downright childish things you have ever done. I honestly can NOT believe you. It's like you're trying to blemish my name. The only reason none of this has gone on your permanent record is because of my position in the school board"

Kadence just rolls her eyes, but behind the annoyance was a deep hurt and anger. All of her emotions were about to boil over. "Do you even have anything to say?" her grandfather snapped at her. "You know what? I do have something to say! And this time you're going to listen to me. I'm so sick and tired of you pushing me to the side. You favor the football team over YOUR OWN GRANDKIDS! You treat me like I'm trash! All of you do! The only one who ever stood up for me was Zack and ever since then no one cares anymore! I DON'T DESERVE THIS! Why do you all hate me?!" The girls all stared in shock. Kadence stood up and shook her head. "And you sit here and pretend like you have it all together and that you have a happy family when in reality, none of us can even stand to be in the same room as each other. But I'm done! I can't even take this any more!"

The girl grabs her bag and stands Kendall follows her lead. "You guys can stay here and take this bull or you can grow a pair and realize what's going on here. I don't care. But I'm walking out of here and you're either with me or against me." She storms out of the office with Kendall on her heels. She stands out in the hallway as three girls walk out into the hallway. "I don't know what happened back there, but I certainly wouldn't take that either." Carly says, looking Kadence up and down. "You know what? I like you kid," Kennedy says, smiling. "I'm willing to get over our differences if you guys are" Kaylyn states as she looks around the group.

"That's not half bad," Kadence says, a wide grin spreading across her face "now let's get out of here. I don't particularly like detention." The five girls look at each other. They walk out of the doors, arm-in-arm, wide grins plastered on all of their faces.

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