Ch 5: The Interview

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*Kennedy's P.O.V*

The Next Day

***A.N.*** Okay, so if you hadn't noticed, the pictures to the side are the characters and Zayn and Perrie are NOT together in here not because I hate her, o actually love Zerrie, however I'm lazy and him not having a gf is convenient***

My room was in an utter state of disarray. I was flinging my clothing all around, in a state of panic. "Where is it? Where is it?!" I murmured as I kicked a pair of jeans out of my path. "WHICH ONE OF YOU SKANKS HAS MY BLUE SKIRT?!" Kadence screamed from across the house. "DID YOU CHECK YOUR DRESSER?" Kaylyn responded."YES! OF COURSE I CH- NEVER MIND! I FOUND IT!" She screeched back.

"Ugh! What the hell?!" I keep digging through the growing pile of shit. I give up and pick my way through the wreckage. I knock (more like bang) on Kendall's door, hoping she'll hear me over her loud ass music. She flings open the door and I'm frustrated to see that she's ready to go. She looks me up and down "You know you don't have pants on, right?" "Really? I thought they were just invisible." "Haha, don't be an ass. What do you need, peasant?" "Have you seen my leggings?" "I saw it down stairs on the ironing board." "Thanks!"

I run down the stairs and grab my leggings, throwing it on seconds before Carly screams out, "It's time to go! We don't want to be late to our first interview." Ugh. Our first interview for the competition is today, and we're being interviewed by Ed Sheeran (one of the judge's panel which includes 1D, Simon Cowell, Cher Lloyd, and Ed Sheeran). I get settled into the car.

***Outfits: (Kendall; ) (Carly; ) (Kennedy; ) (Kadence; ) (Kaylyn; )

"Who's driving?" I ask. "I am!" Kadence chirps as she climbed in the driver side. "We trust her to drive?" I ask incredulously. "I'm the only one who has experience driving over here" I just groan.

Five almost accidents, four near death experiences, and numerous middle fingers directed at us later, we arrive at the venue. "We almost died" I state. "But you didn't, so technically I'm a good driver." Kadence states. I give her a look.


Ed Sheeran: *Talking into a microphone* Ello, this is Ed Sheeran here, and I'm here with a girl group that's been taking the world by storm, The Wild Things. So, tell me girls,how did you come up with the name "Wild Things"?

Kaylyn: Well, when we were in school, we were kinda trouble makers.

Kendall: And every time we'd get in trouble, Kadence's grandpa-

Kadence: Who was also our principal.

Kendall: He'd call us into his office and say, "You girls act like wild things!", and we'd just laugh.

Ed: So it just sort of caught on?

Kennedy: Yeah, plus it's really fitting.*She laughs*

Carly: I mean, we're still trouble makers.

Ed: What do you mean?

Kennedy: Sometimes we do stupid shit just for the hell of it.

Ed: *laughs* So, Kaylyn, you've often said that the band is the best thing to have happened to you.

Kaylyn: Yeah, I don't know where I would be if we hadn't started the band. I'd probably still be in Leander, living in my moms house and working at Half Price Books to save up money for college.

Ed: Your lyrics are so real, and they really speak to a lot of people. What exactly is your writing process like?

Kadence: I think the one thing that really connected us at first was music. We all like different styles of music but one of us would just out of the blue be like, 'You have to listen to this song I don't know why, but these lyrics kind of speak to me'. And when we decided that we wanted our lyrics to really mean something, to really reflect this unique view that we have that the creativity really started to flow.

Carly: We're just five completely crazy girls that love to sing. The writing process is really hard to describe we just throw lines and melodies back and forth until it becomes a master piece.

Ed: What's it like living in the same house?

Kendall: With us, you get five completely different personalities that miraculously mesh really well.

Kaylyn: I don't think any of us have a defined personality.

Kennedy: Except for Kadence, she's such a stereotypical hipster. *laughs*

Kadence: *laughs* Everyone says I'm a hipster, but I'm just like that's too mainstream. *does the fierce hand thing*

Ed: *laughing* Well, girls, you've been delightful! This has been Ed Sheeran with the Wild Things.

A/N: I know I'm a whore for not updating for like four years. Please forgive me?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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