Ch. 1: Good News, Duck Dynasty, and Twitter

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A/N: Pic to the right is Kendall :)

Four Years Later...

*Kendall's P.O.V.*

Carly paces the floor for what seems like the 5,789,645th time. "What if we didn't make it? What if we weren't good enough? We had to beat out 200 other bands!" I laugh at her stressed out-ness. I laugh. "We were absolutely perfect!" I tease her. Kennedy grunts in response.

"Shut up! I'm watching Duck Dynasty!" Kadence yells from across the living room. Kaylyn throws a pillow at her face. "John Luke is talking so shut up before I stab you in the eye." Kadence yells, blaring the T.V. I roll my eyes. She has a serious crush on John Luke and Reed. "Hey Kade, you're just like Si," I say, making all the girls crack up laughing. "SHUT UPPPPPP! OR I'LL KEEL YOU!!!" Kadence shouts from across the room.

"Why haven't they called yet?" Carly demands, still super nervous. "Chill, we were awesome," Kennedy tells her. "We're always awesome," Kaylyn says from across the room. "John Luke's girlfriend is ugly," is all Kadence says.

"You know what will make you feel better?" Kadence calls. "What?" Carly asks. "Louis and Danielle just called it quits. It's twitter official." Kadence calls. Carly dives for her phone clicking on the Twitterp app. She squeals as she sees the tweet. "I mean Lou isn't my favorite but Danielle was just nasty. How could he date someone who smokes?" Kennedy says apparently looking at the tweet too. "OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! Guess who just tweeted our newest YouTube video? Hot Chelle Rae, Sleeping With Sirens, AND One Direction!" Kaylyn screams. "WAIT!! Hot Chelle Rae tweeted US?" I ask.

"MARY, JESUS, AND JOSEPH! HARRY JUST TWEETED ME!" Kadence screams. We all crowd around her, trying to look at the tweet. "Número uno, personal space, second I was just gonna read you guys the tweet. 'Kadence, just wanted to tell you I think you guys are pretty amazing and I can't wait to see you at Battle of the Bands in London.'" We all start screaming and jumping up and down as the phone rings. We all dive for it, Kadence coming out victorious. "Hello, yes this is she. Mhm, mhm, yes, thank you. We'll be in touch. Thank you. Have a nice day. Goodbye." She hangs up and turns to face us. "WE'RE IN!!!" The screaming and jumping restart. Kaylyn breaks off smiling,"When do we leave?" she asks. "Oh uhm, ya about that... We leave on Friday," Kadence replies, scratching her head.

"Kadence! You could have started with that!" Carly says clearly stressing out. "What's today?" Kennedy asks. "Today's Wednesday!" I yell. Kadence just smiles cheekily. "We need to go shopping!" Kaylyn declares. "To the mall!" Kennedy yells.

We all slip our shoes on and pile into Kadence's car. She cranks Dance Forever by Allstar Weekend and speeds out of the parking lot. "Where to first?" she asks, screaming over her music. "ULTA!" we all shout. She nods and speeds up.

A trip that should have taken 15 minutes took around 7. She's going to kill us all if she doesn't start driving safer. We walk into Ulta, heading in five different directions. Forty-five minutes later, we've practically bought the store. We head deeper into the mall hitting all of our favorite stores. We have to go back to the car to drop off bags nine times. Our shopping trip takes all of 5 hours. Grateful that Kadence's car has a big trunk, we pile into the car. Once we get back to the house we share we unload the bags and start to pack.

All of a sudden Kadence comes into my room. "Guess what," she says. "What?" I say, rolling my eyes. "We'll be in England for my 20th birthday," she states, smiling. "Oh crap! Your birthday's next week isn't it?" She nods, "But that's okay because my aunt is having a masquerade party the day after my birthday, so we'll just go to that." I nod, she walks out of the room to tell the other girls. Kadence is the youngest, she's turning 20, Carly and Kaylyn are 20, and Kennedy and I are 21.

I continue to pack, all of my stuff takes up two bags. I finish and go to check on Kadence's progress, she tends to pack everything the night before. I walk into her room and look at the wreckage. Clothes are strewn all over the floor and Kadence is lying on her bed, texting. "What happened?" I ask her. "Well, I started to pack then I realized I couldn't figure out what to take, so I started making a list, see." She shows me her iPhone, her notes are pulled up and a long list of things is written down.

"God, Kade you haven't gotten anything done." I sit down and start to fold her new clothes and put them in the suitcase. "Pick out an airplane outfit, then get me the rest of the stuff you need." She bends down and scoops up a pair of jean shorts and her favorite giant sweatshirt that says New York on the front. I throw her converse at her knowing she'll want to wear those. She leaves the room and comes back in a few minutes later with all the stuff she needs.

She watches me as I pack her suitcase. "Ken," she says softly, "I'm scared. What if what happened to Dylan and Zack happens to one of us?" I go and sit next to her. Dylan is her older brother, and Zack is her younger brother. They were kidnapped four years ago on a trip to England. "I'm not scared and you shouldn't be either. We're going to stick together." She just nods. "Let's watch a movie," she says as he stands up.

The other girls are already in the living room. "Let's order pizza," Kaylyn says as we enter the living room. "What movies are we watching? Comedy, romantic comedy, romance, drama, or stupid eighties horror movie?" Kennedy asks, scanning our Netflix account. "Let's watch Revenge of the Bridesmaids!" Carly exclaims as the remote scans over the movies. "No! Let's watch Pitch Perfect!" I call, plopping on the coach. "What about Mean Girls? Or even Bridesmaids?" Kadence suggests. "OH! Lets watch Breaking Dawn Part 2!" Kaylyn says, coming in from the kitchen. That suggestion gets a chorus of 'yeses'. I get up and answer the door as the doorbell goes off.

I pay the guy and take our 'usual'. Barbecue chicken wings, one large sausage and mushroom, one large cheese, one large Hawaiian, garlic and cheese breadsticks, brownies, cinnamon rolls, and five liters of soda. I set it all on the living room table and grab five plates. Kadence has already chugged half of her two liter Dr. Pepper.

As the opening credits roll onto the screen, we all fall dead silent. Kadence's phone rings and we all glare at her. She silences it, and sees who texted her. I lean over to see who it was. That's weird, I think to myself. The number's from another country. It reads: Hey Kadence! It's your cousin Nathan. Just wanted to let you know that I'll be picking you guys up at the airport. Kadence replies with a simple 'k' and goes back to watching the movie.

The last thing I see before I drift to sleep is the image of a giant werewolf.

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