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I woke up that morning to the good old, crusty, dusty, trusty alarm clock again. Bloody hate that thing.
I was in a really good mood, hey it was my first day waking up in a new room, all clean and organised with my fairy lights and Polaroid's of my dog and my mum and I. so I was happy. Made me miss her a lot, but I was still happy to be there. I quickly got out of bed, neatening it back out with the cushions and blankets before going for a shower. The shower was pretty small but I could move around. After cleaning my self up, getting dressed and drying my pink/ orange hair I walked into the kitchen.
"Morning Jaemin!" Chenle spoke loudly, reminding my poor brain that it's early in the morning.
"Morning Chenle! Where's jisung?"

"In bed, I'm making him breakfast in bed"
He said smiling to himself as he mashed avocado onto toast with some random seasoning. He seemed like he knew what he was doing.
"Want some? I've got spare." He said pushing the mashed avocado across the counter to where I was sat on the stools.
"Thank you Chenle." I said cheerfully as I grabbed some bread, not othering to toast it and began mashing the avocado mix on.
After a few minutes of light conversation, Chenle headed to his and jisungs dorm with the breakfast.
Not going to lie, the avocado mix stuff was really good, not as good as moms, but very close.
Once I had finished the cute couple walked back into the kitchen with their dishes.
"You ready for school?" Jisung asked me as Chenle sat on the couch on his phone.
"Yeah I'm nervous though.." I said quietly not wanting to admit to it.
"Oh, why?" He asked, seeming genuinely interested in my feelings. Cute.
"Because I-I'm new."

Both his and chenles face lit up, like someone had flicked a switch and suddenly they were in some dream world.
"OH MY GOD! We can show you round!" Chenle practically screamed, deafening me and jisung. He followed it up with a dolphin laugh, which was equally, if not more deafening.
"Sure." I said trying not to burst out laughing at his childish behaviour, I have to admit though- I felt like I'd have to look after them soon. They were so cute I wanted to put them in my pocket and protect them you feel me?. Is That weird?

All three of us walked to the school building, chatting about this and that just getting to know each other better.
"What classes do you have jaemin?" Jisung asked politely smiling. His fingers were intertwined with chenles, they may be young but they are brave.
"Today? Biology, PE and Korean last, what about you?"
I asked the youngest, hopefully I'll be in the same lessons.
"Damn I've got, English, PE and then Korean too, but two lessons with you is good" he smiled, clinging to his books with one hand and holding Chenle with the other.
"Well we can walk you to Biology if you want?"
Chenle offered with a bright smile.
"That's be great thanks Chenle!" I said excitedly, I was weirdly happy. I guess it's because I'm in a new environment, a new start, new friends and new teachers. So far no ones acted funny towards me for being new in the halls, but I haven't had first period yet..

Once they walked me to biology we parted ways and I entered the room slightly late. Everyone's eyes were on me, just like old times then huh.
The room was filled with students all different shapes, sizes and ethnicities. The teacher was pretty small, almost smaller than me; I walked up to him while the room chattered before the lesson began.
"Oh! The new boy, hello, I'm Mr. Moon!" He said joyfully, pearly whites peaking through his bright smile.
"I'm jaemin." I said quietly as he placed a hind on my back facing me to the ocean of students.
"Settle down guys! We have a new kid, I want you to make him feel welcome!"

"H-hi, I'm jaemin." I said, looking down at my feet as I spoke barely audible.
A few whispered came from the groups of people but they didn't seem to be laughing.
"Ok Jaemin, take a seat over there" he said pointing to a seat with an empty seat next to it.
I was kind of glad no one was there next to me,but I did look lonely.
I walked up to my seat avoiding eye contact at all cost, taking my stuff out as I sat down silently.
"Alright everyone today we will be learning about the respiratory system-" and the rest was all a blur.
I looked around, analysing peoples faces, finding the warm, the cold, the lonely, the happy and the utter dickwads of the class.
Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud crash as the door flung open.
"Sup faggots!" A loud voice bellowed through the room.
"JENO! Don't use that type of language in here young man!"

Me moon yelled as he slammed his book down, startling me once more.
The boy had dark hair, and dark eyes, wearing a leather jacket and skinny ripped jeans. He looked like a proper nob, so full of him self.
"Save it old man." He said frowning upon the teacher as he took colossal strides towards my seat.
He was headed straight for me.
Suddenly his frown deepened as he laid eyes on me, stopping in his tracks making my heart skip a few beats before speeding up to an in natural pace.
Finally he grinned, his smile seemed cute, but He quickly reminded me that he was a little shit as soon as he opened his mouth.
"What up fag? You new?" He asked not loud enough for Mr moon to hear but for a few around us to hear. Causing them to gasp in surprise.
"Yes I am, and get a new insult, it's getting old- 2019 remember." I said cockily leaning in so he could hear me loud and clear. "LGBT is thriving...you? Not so much." I spoke as I leaned back in my chair meeting his glare. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't shitting my self and I'd be sinning if I told you he didn't look like he was about to kill me.

"Shut the fuck up new kid, you have no idea who I am" he said as he sat down, everyone's eyes on us now.
"And who the fuck are you then?" I asked knowing exactly who he was. The school dick head that's what he was.
"Let me show you." He said running his hands through his hair as he sat down in the seat next to me.
He turned to the boy on the next row.
"Sicheng." He said sternly, one eyebrow cocked as if daring the boy to defy him.
"Pencil." He commanded as if the boy was a dog. Not going to lie the boy looked as if he was about to lay an egg and faint. He immediately opened up his bag and practically chucked his whole pencil case at jeno, face of terror.
Jeno took out a pen and handed the case back nicely, then patted the boy on the head, praising him for his new trick.
This dark haired boy was fascinating honestly. How on earth did he get everyone on his knees, yes he was... very attractive but he seemed like a arse.
"You get the gist?"
He asked taking me out of my.. what ever it was.
"Yeah, yeah what ever."
I said, hoping the lesson would hurry up and end.

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