"Crystal gave me a job until I can stay sober long enough to return to the show, and until then some other actress way less pretty than me is taking my place." She sniffs haughtily.

A thought occurs to me.

Violet could be the insider for Wolfe.

"How did you know Yugyeom told me about you?" I ask.

"Since you're obviously his new girlfriend now, he must have told you," She says arrogantly.

"I mean. I was his first love."

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"What makes you think I want something?"

"Because you followed me here."

Violet tilts her head. "True."

I look at her expectantly. "Well?"

"I'm here to help you, actually."

I furrow my brow. "I know your involvement with code Ivory," She says.

"And I want to be part of the rebellion." I stare at her. "You're part of Wolfe?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I'm the one that sent Alec to find Yugyeom at that party after I left, so Yugyeom could start making some damn money for once. I realize my mistake now, and you could say I'm in the same position as you."

"How do I know you're not the insider?"

She runs her tongue over her teeth. "So, you know about the insider too."

"How do you know all this?"

"I've been in Portland for a month now, and I've attended meetings at Wolfe. It's obvious that someone has been listening in here, but I can assure you, it's not me."

"If you've been in Portland for a month, how come there was a different secretary here only a few weeks ago?"

"Crystal has two secretaries, and we have different days that we work."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Why don't we just ask Yugyeom?" I lock my jaw.

She stares at me, her ocean blue eyes challenging. "Fine," I say at last.

She smirks at me as I text Yugyeom to meet me in the stairwell as soon as possible. Minutes later, we hear footsteps and Yugyeom climbs up to the landing.

As soon as his gaze lands on Violet, his eyes widen and his skin pales. Violet smirks.

I see memories flashing before his eyes and it hurts, I know.

Violet will always be with Yugyeom in some way, I mean, as she said, she was his first love. He will always be wary of love because of her, and she will always have control over him. I see this now as I helplessly look on as he utters her name in disbelief.

"Nice to see you're doing well, Yugyeom," She says to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

Violet explains to him what she did to me, and I watch Yugyeom's expression carefully.

Next to Violet, I feel like nothing. She's so beautiful, and I know without a doubt I look like a lump of coal next to her shimmering blue eyes and golden blonde hair.

If Yugyeom ever chooses her over me, I can't say I blame him.

"I'm on your side," Violet finishes. "But your girlfriend here doesn't want to trust me."

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