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(Louis POV)
I never thought life could be so unfair I have lost four drunk girls one of which is my girlfriend, my clothes are stained with puke my best friend who handles alcohol surprising well laughing at me. "Dude! Your girls have gone to!" I screamed is fury. "Louis calms down we'll find them they can't have gone far!"

(Clems POV) Her drunk recollection. She remembered from aa drunk recording of her phone
" IT'S.SO.FLUFFY." I whispered as I laid down in a giant teddy bears arms."TOY'S R US is the happiest place on earth!" violet yelled. She grabbed an orange plush "look! Clem, it's you!" she giggled uncontrollably "Gimmie day now" I pouted "Are you calling me- uh Fat?"I said wobbling in my heels." you know hat I'm buying this teddy at that orange" I said pulling cash out from my purse. "Let's go toy shopping!" Brody shouted "YAS!"Minnie slurred. This is gonna be one hell of a night. After walking out toys r us with God knows how many toys we went back into the cab. "Your still here?"Minerva asked
"Yep, I couldn't live with myself if you guys got lost on the way and something bad happened." He explained " wanna reward" Brody said leaning in to kiss him "no miss I not gonna take advantage of you!"
"BuT I'M NoT DrUnK!" she shouted
"I'm DrUnK!"I squealed
"Me ToO!" Minerva agreed
"I ThInK iM DrUnKeR ThAn AlL oF yA'lL" violet admitted gulping down a bottle vodka she stole from the club
*burp* there was a long silence
We all started laughing 😂
"Okay ladies where to?"
"That new Club Richmond"
"Okie dokie"He says and starts driving
"Hmm that's sound familiar.."Minerva yawned rubbing her chin I copied her. "Stop copying me bitch!" She said swatting her sharp acrylic nails at me one of them making a small cut in my cheek. We start waving our hands each other like cats. "Guys guess what"I say as me and Minnie arms get tired."yeah",Violet says her eyes gleaming for tea.
"I been recording the moment we started drinking!" I started laughing
"Clem.."Violet muttered

(Louis POV)
I looked fucking everywhere I'm starting to get really agitated 😣.so now I'm back at Richmond talking to the badass bald chick Ava:

so now I'm back at Richmond talking to the badass bald chick Ava:

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"I haven't seen  clem, sorry man" she shrugged .
And I just as I was about to go for another round of the town I can pulled up 4 tipsy girls came out bags full of toys one with a bottle of vodka basically glued to her lips 4 tipsy girl I know: Clem,Vi,Minnie and Brody. They walked up to us my face was popping veins of anger. "Hey baby why are u here?" She slurred as she nestle into my chest her embrace instantly calmed me down . "Okay we are all going home like now." Louis demanded Brody went with Marlon while me Louis vi and Minnie all went in Louis car.

(Louis POV) 2:30
After looking for clem and the other all night I found them we have just dropped Violet and Minnie to some very worried and pissed off parents now it's just me clem in the car. "Louis.." she sighed
"Hm?" I raised my eyebrows
"I know I'm gonna sound all kinds of dumb,but like uhh if someone like cut your leg would it hurt?" she questioned
I started blankly at her "Of course it would!" I laughed
"But how doe?"she continued
"cause your leg has just been cut off!"
"think about dis *hiccup* where you gonna put the pain?"
"In your Le- wait what?"
"Exactly babe exactly!"
"so I'm babe now~"
"Shut up"
"OMG!" she screamed her hand in the air
"the earth is actually flat! Cause if it was a sphere we would all just fall of innit so I must be flat!" she explained
"What's that"she asked
Drunk Clem is funny but very dumb and why did she buy say many orange plus he's and why is there a giant teddy in the back of my car!!.

-Clementine's house-
(Clementine POV)
"Do you want me to walk you inside?"Louis offered
"Okay gentleman"I giggled as we went up the patio. I unlocked the door revealing a very annoyed Lee his tapped his watch "may I ask where you've been?" He said sternly "I gonna be 100% honest with you man I think after many shots of vodka I think I'm drunk bro" I slurred "I just go" Lee saw Louis behind me "You!again!" he yelled Louis ran like the wind and Lee chased after him hammer in hand. I went upstairs and wrote in my diary "Lee is such a Bitc-" you know what I don't even care anymore I shrugged as I laid down on my bed smiling and whispering "TGIF" as a dozed off into my much-deserved slumber.

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