"Why not?" Lauren asks.

You know she's getting suspicious, they all are, but you kept Katherine safe and that's all that matters.

"Um. Katherine should be done with breakfast." You hurry out the door before they can say anything else.


The next day, the first actual day of fall break, Lauren invites you to go somewhere with her. She won't say where, just tells you to meet her by her car at seven. You show up in shorts, a low cut tank top, and unbuttoned flannel top.

Lauren is leaning against the car when you get there, and it's hard not to notice the way her eyes scan up your body, starting at your legs and stopping at your eyes.

She smiles as you reach her. "Hi."

"Hi. Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?"

"Nope." She says, popping the 'p.' "Just get in the car."

You both get into the car, and she lets you plug your phone into the aux while she backs out of the driveway. You settle on a Billie Eilish song and Lauren looks at you with a grin.

"What?" You ask.

She shakes her head. "I didn't think you would like Billie Eilish."

"And why not?"

"I don't know. She's kind of edgy, and you're definitely not."

You place a hand on your chest. "How rude. I'll have you know I'm very edgy."

"How so?"

You stare at her for a good thirty seconds before groaning and turning to look out your window. "Never mind."

She laughs and then you feel her hand land on your thigh. You care about Lauren and Dani so much, but you also feel different around each of them. Being around them feels like home, but sometimes when you're around Dani it feels like being around Jason. It's so comfortable and easy. Being with Lauren makes you nervous and jittery, but in the best way possible. All of your nerve endings are on high alert and your heart beats at twice its normal speed.

Of course, you have no idea what any of that means.

Lauren suddenly pulls off beside the park. She reaches into the backseat, pulling out a blanket and picnic basket. "I'm assuming you've pieced it together by now."

"We're going ice skating?"

Lauren giggles, and you can feel the butterflies swarming your stomach. "You're so observant. Come on."

Lauren leads you to a clear patch between several trees and bushes, and lays out the blanket. Once done, she sits down with the basket and you sit beside her. She starts laying food out on the blanket; finger sandwiches, strawberries dipped in chocolate, and chocolate covered pretzels.

"I hope you like it." Lauren says, suddenly looking nervous.

You grab her hand. "Lo, I love it. This is so perfect."

You start with the sandwiches, eating and talking about random school stuff. Once they're gone, Lauren picks up a strawberry and holds it in front of your mouth. You take it from her hand with your teeth, careful not to bite her fingers.

"Mmm. That's amazing." You say.

Lauren giggles and uses her thumb to wipe chocolate off your chin. "Dude, you're a messy eater."

"That is so rude!"

"It's just the truth."

You feed Lauren a strawberry, and the juice runs down her chin. You wipe it away, shaking your head.

Living Next Door (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now