Chapter 2

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Amber's Point of View

It's another madness Monday. The day I hate the most. Homeworks to be passed, quizzes to take and long history discussions ,may I add from weird looking bald teachers, to listen.  Good thing I have my book with me Girl Online by Zoe Sugg .

How I wish they'd make holiday breaks for six months twice a year and ban math for mentally draining students, like seriously I could appreciate school if they do those.

Walking down the streets of New York City, well more like dragging myself, off to get coffee from Starbucks cause you know what they say "You can't start a day without coffee.".

I made that one up if you haven't noticed.

left.right.left.right.left.right.and a hundred more left rights. Before i reached Starbucks, well that was catchy.

I should be a songwriter. Yup, I should be.

As I entered the block, the lingering scent of coffee grounds surrounded the place and the shop sign looking as magnificent as ever, standing in the middle where it has been lighted by the newly risen sun begging me to come over and relax as the aromatic smell of coffee enters my nose. Dramatic, I know.


"What the-"

"Fuck." I continued with a glare as I looked over to someone. Damn it he's hot. I mean his physic is quite good as I didn't see his face as it was covered with his hoodie.

I stopped staring as I realized he started walking away with his hand situated in his pocket.

"Aren't you gonna apologize?!" I shouted at him. But he only continued as if no one talked to him. That jerk.

If you're gonna ask what happened well let me take you back to time. Me being the little ball of sunshine, not. I was about to open this door, about to get on with my coffee, when someone on the other side of it pushed the door with force at the same time I pulled it and well cue for the weird sound effect and some cursing.

"Don't you remember the first time we met? You bumped into me Amber."

W-wait, what?

What the hell was that. I looked around trying to find a source from that weird whispering only to find myself alone in the grounds.
It could be a ghost right? I mean what else could it be. Ghost. Shit.

I tried to pinch and slap myself several times. Who the heck was that? It could be someone nor a ghost. No! It can't be, maybe I've just accidentally heard people's conversation? But I have heard my name and I'm all alone.

Shit Amber stop day dreaming.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale

Calm yourself Amber. It could be grandpa right?It sounded like a boy. Yes grandpa.

No stupid. Grandpa died before you were born.

I said all the prayers that I've memorized and wished for all positive things to happen.

After I calmed myself  which took a long time I ordered and hailed a cab off to school while sipping my Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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